svn commit: r523845 - head/www/chromium/files

Dima Panov fluffy at
Thu Jan 23 12:10:28 UTC 2020


Chrome/iridium (and other based on chrome engine) uses bundled leveldb which unconditionaly rely on bundled snappy instead of declared via configure
May be switch lebeldb to the system one too? And bundled llvm7 which build every time?

Dima Panov (fluffy at
(X11, KDE, Office)@FreeBSD team

twitter: fluffy_khv | skype: dima.panov | telegram: @dima_panov
IRC: fluffy at EFNet, fluffykhv at FreeNode

> On Thursday, Jan 23, 2020 at 6:23 PM, Christoph Moench-Tegeder <cmt at (mailto:cmt at> wrote:
> ## Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj at
> > www/iridium has the same problem, can you apply this patch there as well?
> As soon as I'm back at my BSD :)
> But wait a second - I thought this was an oversight in the latest
> chromium update. But if iridium is affected, too...
> Looks like these browsers are mixing headers from their internal snappy
> and the system-provided one. That sounds like a very bad idea and should
> be fixed.
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