svn commit: r525136 - head/devel

Mark Linimon linimon at
Fri Feb 7 01:05:59 UTC 2020

On Tue, Feb 04, 2020 at 01:24:29PM +0100, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> This is why we have Tools/script/addport.

Allow me to disagree by playing devil's advocate.

(disclaimer: I am *not* picking on any one partiular committer here --
although, unfortunately, some of the people I've been sending private
email to have taken it that way.)


No, this is why we have *committers*.

After I last posted last month about "please folks, test before commit",
somewhere between 10 and 20 new ports have been added that simply. did.
not. work.

I'm *not* complaining that they did not work on powerpc64 -- that's a
task that I picked up all by myself; it's my decision whether to do it
or not.


 - "make patch" must at least work.  This requires almost no time.
   This means the Makefile has to be sane, the files have to fetch+,
   all the files intended to be committed must be committed, and the
   patches must be right.  (Suggestion: use "make distclean" then
   "make patch" to double-check fetching.)

 - "make describe" has to at least work.  This requires no time.

 - Feeding the port to poudriere++ *must* not fail due to the metadata
   in <category>/Makefile being missing or misspelled.  Otherwise,
   someone (TM) has to make a commit to "fix bulk -a".  (You may have
   noticed how many there are these days.)

By skipping these simple tests, committers push work onto either
current portmgrs or other people (including past portmgrs), leading
to wasted time, resentment, and burnout.

Committers *should* have already accepted that they are the gateway
between raw patches and a working ports tree.  Please, please, can
we now get back to that?


Look, I know we all make mistakes.  But the things above result from
people being in "too much of a hurry to test".



+ fetch, preferably from an original site, not just a echo

++ poudriere is what the FreeBSD package builders use.  A commit that
   builds manually yet not under poudriere may be "technically" correct
   but users of packages won't think so.

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