svn commit: r559774 - in head: editors/xcoral lang/scm lang/scm/files

Kyle Evans kevans at
Thu Dec 31 21:08:15 UTC 2020

On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 2:55 PM Mikhail T. <mi+t at>
wrote: (Broken mail client detected, fixing...)
>> On 31.12.20 15:45, Kyle Evans wrote:
>> You should go ahead and drop the soversion suffix if you're going to
>> do it this way.
> There may be a stale on computers of people, who upgrade their base OS from source -- and I didn't want it to be used accidentally...

Sure, fair enough. IMO this should generally be considered a bug in
their upgrade process since not running `make delete-old-libs` as
advised can cause other annoyances, but that's irrelevant anyways
given the valid justification above.

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