svn commit: r531377 - head/devel/rubygem-googleapis-common-protos-types

Matthias Fechner mfechner at
Sun Apr 12 19:28:58 UTC 2020

Dear all,

Am 11.04.2020 um 00:24 schrieb Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh:
> Author: sunpoet
> Date: Fri Apr 10 22:24:10 2020
> New Revision: 531377
> URL:
> Log:
>   Update to 1.0.5

it seems that this commit has broken www/gitlab-ce (or at least it is
one commit that causes an not resolvable conflict with google-protobuf).
I currently do not have any time (for at least one week) to have a more
detailed look to it.

So if anyone has capacity to understand and fix gitlab (you can see it
if you try to push a commit), please feel free to do any commit required
for my ports as necessary.



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook

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