svn commit: r518344 - in head: . math math/onnx math/py-onnx-tf misc misc/onnx misc/py-onnx-tf

Yuri yuri at
Mon Nov 25 19:03:44 UTC 2019

On 2019-11-25 09:54, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> Misc is never a more proper category.  Misc is where things that belong
> nowhere else end up in.  COMMENT talks about a language, so it is
> probably better placed in lang if you feel math is wrong (for some
> reason).

ONNX is not about language, it is about neural network/AI computations 
and handling of NN models.

It doesn't belong in math, in lang, in science, so it should be in misc 
unless/until the "machine-learning" category is created where it would 
belong best.

Machine learning/AI is a rapidly developing field now and more and more 
software would be likely created and added to ports, and this IMO 
justifies having a "machine-learnng" category.



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