svn commit: r502127 - in head/games: . avp avp/files

Jan Beich jbeich at
Tue May 21 01:32:55 UTC 2019

Piotr Kubaj <pkubaj at> writes:


Looks like[1] a custom non-commercial with an attribution clause instead.
While MIT wording varies[2] it doesn't seem to match here. Fix attached.

[1] See License in

$ LICENSES_ASK=1 make clean patch
 ┌─────────────────────License for avp-20170505 (MIT)───────────────────────┐
 │ The copyright statement for the original version of the source code:     │
 │ The source code to Aliens Vs Predator is copyright (c) 1999-2000         │
 │ Rebellion and                                                            │
 │ is provided as is with no warranty for its suitability for use. You may  │
 │ not                                                                      │
 │ use this source code in full or in part for commercial purposes. Any use │
 │ must                                                                     │
 │ include a clearly visible credit to Rebellion as the creators and        │
 │ owners, and                                                              │
 │ reiteration of this license.                                             │
 │                                                                          │
 │ Any changes made after the fact are not copyright Rebellion and are      │
 │ provided                                                                 │
 │ as is with no warranty for its suitability for use. You still may not    │
 │ use                                                                      │
 │ this source code in full or in part for commercial purposes.             │
 │                                                                          │
 │                       <Accept>            <Reject>                       │

Index: games/avp/Makefile
--- games/avp/Makefile	(revision 502185)
+++ games/avp/Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ EXTRACT_SUFX=	-a1.tar.gz
 MAINTAINER=	pkubaj at
 COMMENT=	Open source re-implementation of Alien versus Predator
+LICENSE_NAME=	Rebellion license for Aliens Vs Predator
+LICENSE_PERMS=	dist-mirror pkg-mirror auto-accept
 USES=		cmake gl openal sdl
 USE_GL=		gl

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