svn commit: r495284 - in head/devel: valgrind valgrind-devel

Jan Beich jbeich at
Sun Mar 10 21:40:07 UTC 2019

Niclas Zeising <zeising at> writes:

> Author: zeising
> Date: Sun Mar 10 11:29:53 2019
> New Revision: 495284
> URL:
> Log:
>   Grab valgrind ports
>   Grab valgrind ports, I know people outside the project who are interested in
>   this.  Grab it in the interim.
>   If you are interested in helping out, please let me know!

Are you planning to maintain it in the meantime? I'm asking because the
rationale looks like maintainer squatting or favoritism. In the past we
had a similar issue with placeholder maintainer of ports-mgmt/portmaster
which confused users about the actual status. The general issue stemmed
from some committers arguing against handing out handing out maintainership
to people who've never submitted a patch (to the port in question).
That got partially addressed by portmgr@ making a policy of revoking
maintainership after 3 months of no feedback or 3 consecutive timeouts.

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