svn commit: r494317 - head/devel/rubygem-daemon_controller

Matthias Fechner mfechner at
Sun Mar 3 14:20:40 UTC 2019

Dear Sergey,

Am 03.03.2019 um 03:05 schrieb Sergey A. Osokin:
> Usually a submitter adds to a PR a patch to fix an issue and this is
> what I would also like to see in a PR assigned to me.

please do not take it personal, but you are the maintainer of the port
and you should be thankful if someone report a problem with it.

I provided you also with a 50% solution, please see my last email, the
rest is with you.
But maybe you would want to remove the debian build files before you
create the package using a post-patch or pre-install target (that should
fix the last shebang problem the port has).

If you do not have a poudriere build environment available to test the
changes, I can help you here.



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook

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