svn commit: r505245 - in head/databases: postgresql10-client postgresql10-contrib postgresql10-pgtcl postgresql10-server postgresql11-client postgresql11-server postgresql94-server postgresql95-cli...

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Sat Jun 29 17:14:22 UTC 2019

Am 29.06.2019 um 17:56 schrieb Alexey Dokuchaev:
> We're using Postres in our production at $work and had to carefully evaluate
> all 9.x versions, so it looks strange the GitLab works with 9.6 but not with
> 9.5, as changes between these should be pretty minor AFAIR (in comparison to
> e.g. 9.3).  May we know what exactly breaks, so maybe we can craft a patch
> to fix it?

I do not fully remember what it was, but they use a feature that was
added with 9.6 (used to retrieve data from the database with a more
complex query):

If you would like to have more details, there is an issue existing that
describe why 9.6 is required in detail, but I do not have the link anymore.
Maybe it is easier to check what new feature was added with 9.6.

I suggest to go to version 11, which seems the be the latest stable
version regarding the webpage:

There is also good documentation existing how to upgrade:

If you run FreeBSD at $work you should anyway have your own poudriere
build package repository where you have your tested packages in.
So you can set there in make.conf
or whatever version you require. So we should not block here to go to a
more recent version.



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
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produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
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