svn commit: r520219 - in head/Mk: . Uses

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Wed Dec 18 15:29:44 UTC 2019


This is not enough, this does not take care about rebuilding of ports which 
depend upon py36-xxx but don't have py36 in their own name.

After updating ports with py36 as prefix, some more need to be rebuild:
portmaster $(pkg query -g "%n:%dn" '*' |grep py3|grep -v py37 |cut -d : -f 
1 | sort -u)

This is still not enough, gdk-pixbuf2 fails to build, somehow it still 
wants to use the not existing anymore python36 on the system where I 
encounter the issue.


Send from a mobile device, please forgive brevity and misspellings.

Am 17. Dezember 2019 3:06:05 nachm. schrieb Thierry Thomas 
<thierry at>:

> Le mar. 17 déc. 19 à 10:00:46 +0100, Mathieu Arnold <mat at>
> écrivait :
>> > In two weeks plus build time this will hit quarterly and with that
>> > many more users who are "just using packages" - I'd imagine there
>> > would be even more surprised (not in a good way) people.
>> I ran this to prevent sillynesses:
>> for i in $(pkg query -g %n 'py36*'); do pkg set -yn $i:${i/36/37}; done
> What about an entry in UPDATING with this trick?
> --
> Th. Thomas.

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