svn commit: r469754 - in head/ports-mgmt/portlint: . src

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue May 15 14:03:57 UTC 2018

On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 06:59:08PM +0000, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>  					if ($m{'fla'} ne '${PY_FLAVOR}') {
> -						&perror("FATAL", $file, -1, "directory for dependency ".
> -							"$m{'dep'} must be $m{'dir'}:\@\${PY_FLAVOR}");
> +						&perror("WARN", $file, -1, "you may want directory for ".
> +							"dependency $m{'dep'} to be $m{'dir'}:\@\${PY_FLAVOR}");
>  					}
>  				} else {
>  					if ($m{'fla'} ne '${FLAVOR}') {
> -						&perror("FATAL", $file, -1, "directory for dependency ".
> -							"$m{'dep'} must be $m{'dir'}:\@\${FLAVOR}");
> +						&perror("WARN", $file, -1, "you may want directory for ".
> +							"dependency $m{'dep'} to be $m{'dir'}:\@\${FLAVOR}");

Could you please only tell people to use PY_FLAVOR?  Using FLAVOR
directly dates back from when I was implementing the Python flavors and
is a bad idea.

Mathieu Arnold
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