svn commit: r475044 - in head/finance: . quantlib quantlib/files

Mikhail T. mi+thun at
Mon Jul 23 02:43:49 UTC 2018

On 22.07.2018 13:33, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> Sorry, I assumed something that has been here so long would already 
> have read the documentation once and would know what needed doing once 
> the location of the documentation was pointed out.

Again. The documentation is perfectly clear on what to do, when 
re-adding a previously-removed port. It does /not/ cover the situation 
at hand: when the port already got readded incorrectly by mistake.

You explained, what you want done, and I'll do it -- stop pretending, it 
should've been obvious somehow.

> BTW, maybe, a commit-hook is in order -- to do whatever the check
> MOVEDlint.awk is doing?
> That would mean having a checked out ports tree with the new commit
> before the commit actually hits the tree, which is, well, hard.
I don't think, it needs to be hard -- especially not with the modern 
Subversion, which keeps all such data in an sqlite3 database at the top. 
Maybe, I'll do it someday, if portmgr can't...


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