svn commit: r474916 - head/security/vuxml

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Thu Jul 19 06:54:39 UTC 2018

Am 19.07.2018 um 01:15 schrieb Li-Wen Hsu:
>      <references>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999001</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999002</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999003</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999004</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999005</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999006</cvename>
> +      <cvename>CVE-2018-1999007</cvename>
>        <url></url>
>      </references>
>      <dates>

Regarding here:

I think it is a good idea to also set described in 21 a modified date.



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