svn commit: r474820 - in head/graphics: . diff-pdf

Yuri yuri at
Wed Jul 18 08:01:36 UTC 2018

On 07/18/18 00:25, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> That is a reason, a bad one maybe.  Certainly not a good one.  Why did
> not you consult with the maintainer before updating the port he created?
> How can you be sure he aggres with it?

He most likely just didn't notice that the newer commits exist. It only 
makes sense to keep the 5 year old version and ignore the later commits 
when the project is left stable. But I don't know this.

Commit comments indicate that these are particular fixes and it seems 
reasonable to include them.

I also doubt that the submitter has a better knowledge of the project 
history, he ≠ upstream.


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