svn commit: r458161 - head/textproc/meld

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue Jan 9 13:48:54 UTC 2018

Le 09/01/2018 à 14:07, Ben Woods a écrit :
> On 8 January 2018 at 23:02, Mathieu Arnold <mat at
> <mailto:mat at>> wrote:
>     Also, flavors only build py27 and py36 flavors anyway. (Unless you
>     have
>     BUILD_ALL_PYTHON_FLAVORS defined, in which case it will build every
>     version available.)
> Thanks for the clarification - I understand now. Even with flavors,
> the official FreeBSD pkg repo is only providing pre-built packages for
> 2 python flavors - the default python2 and the default python3.
> Given that meld only supports python 3, there is no point in the meld
> port using python flavors.

It's not really the point you should get from this.

Basically, the rule is this:

A Python application (that is, something that some other thing runs
directly, but will never import with python) MAY have flavors but it is
OPTIONAL, because as long as the script runs, nobody really cares about
what Python version is used to make it run.
A Python library (so, something that other stuff will import, which may
contain scripts) MUST have flavors because something else can depend on it.

For example, if a library works with Python 3.4+ then it MUST have
flavors, because someone (like me) may have defined
BUILD_ALL_PYTHON_FLAVORS because of some of their customers needs, and
will need to have that library for, say, Python 3.5. The fact that the
package builders only build the Python 3.6 version is irrelevant.

Mathieu Arnold

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