svn commit: r462195 - in head/multimedia: ffmpeg kodi kodi-devel libbluray libxine mplayer mpv vdr-plugin-xineliboutput vlc

Yuri yuri at
Sun Feb 18 17:21:49 UTC 2018

On 02/18/18 05:54, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
> Can you put this in post-patch?  extract should give a clean copy of
> upstream source.

Ok, thanks, will correct this.

>    I would also use plain "@${LN} -s linux ${WRKSRC}/..."
> here instead of RLN, but maybe that's a personal thing.

I was using plain "@${LN}" before, but then somebody suggested to use 
"${RLN}" instead, and I actually find it more readable now. But you are 
right, this is a matter of personal preference.


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