svn commit: r478259 - in head/science: ghemical libghemical libint mpqc

Yuri yuri at
Tue Aug 28 02:15:57 UTC 2018

On 8/27/18 6:20 PM, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> thanks for your hard work and take over maintainership.

You are welcome!

> I'd prefer to see the static library for the application as
> well as shared libraries cause it help in many cases.
> Please let me know if you have any questions.

Static libraries are mostly useful within the build, when they are 
produced and consumed internally. Otherwise, shared libraries are 
generally better.

Static library cons:

1. They cause other binaries to become larger.

2. They consume space on disk when installed along with the shared 

3. They obscure which external libraries are used by the project.

4. They make fixing security vulnerabilities more difficult.

Static library pros:

1. They allow for a marginally better performance.

2. They are a must when the target binary needs to be static for 
security or other reasons (for example tor). There are very few cases 
when static executables are needed.



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