svn commit: r439920 - in head: . devel devel/boost-all devel/boost-docs devel/boost-jam devel/boost-libs devel/boost-libs/files devel/boost-python-libs devel/llvm36 lang lang/clang36

Tomoaki AOKI junchoon at
Tue May 2 14:11:17 UTC 2017

This breaks INDEX build if LLVM option is enabled on

# If LLVM option is NOT set, INDEX builds fine.

security/clamav (optionally) requires llvm < 37 and currently

  LLVMVER=        36

in its port Makefile.

So we would have 3 options:

 a) Revive devel/llvm36 (possibly lang/clang36, too)
    while security/clamav comes to support llvm > 38.

 b) If older llvm is well-supported upstream, switch back
    LLVMVER to 35 or earlier (most well-supported one).

 c) Completely remove LLVM option from security/clamav.

But please choose a) for now and give the maintainer of
security/clamav (garga@) have some time to choose which way
to go.

BTW, should `make index` ignore /var/db/options?

# I currently have no idea how to, though.

Anyway, one would try `make fetchindex` first if local `make index`
fails, so it would be mostly fine.

Tomoaki AOKI    <junchoon at>

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