svn commit: r437215 - in head/graphics: gbm libEGL libGL libglapi

Jan Beich jbeich at
Wed Mar 29 17:53:50 UTC 2017

Matthew Rezny <rezny at> writes:

> -	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|x86_64|amd64|' \
> +	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|x86_64|amd64|' -e 's|\\S\*//|[:space:]* //|' \

[:space:] is invalid character class thus treated as a list of characters.
\S corresponds to [^[:space:]], while \s to [[:space:]].

  $ man pcrepattern | col -b | fgrep -m1 \\S
           \S     any character that is not a white space character

This may break build given -march, etc. are no longer stripped.

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