Misuse of PORTREVISION (Re: svn commit: r434379 - head/multimedia/x265)

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 7 22:06:34 UTC 2017

On 2/22/17 12:03 PM, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> On 2/21/2017 10:19 AM, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
>> Poudriere does not rebuild everything that needs to be rebuilt by the way.
>> It just always rebuilds everything, full stop.
> I have a lot of replies to this thread and picked this one at random.
> 1.
> First of all, this is not true.  Poudriere *does not* rebuild everything
> every time.  It only does that with the -c flag.  Poudriere *by default*
> will do an incremental build.  It only rebuilds things if they have,
> comparing to the previous package, a missing package, a new PORTVERSION,
> a new PORTREVISION, new LIB or RUN dependencies, changed OPTIONS, a
> changed PKGNAME, or lastly if a dependency rebuilds due to any of the
> previous.

I forgot that also if the jail has been updated then it rebuilds all
packages, because it has no idea what in the base ABI/build tools will
impact package output.  So if you were using 'head' as a build jail,
then yes it will always rebuild if you are always updating the jail first.

Bryan Drewery

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