Misuse of PORTREVISION (Re: svn commit: r434379 - head/multimedia/x265)

Mikhail T. mi+thun at aldan.algebra.com
Wed Feb 22 00:44:51 UTC 2017

On 21.02.2017 19:03, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> Like as said, as soon as you fix portmaster and portupgrade, you can
> stop bumping PORTREVISION. (I say you, as it seems to be important to
> you, so you may want to work on it.)

Actually, portupgrade already handles this situation -- even if 
imperfectly. When upgrading a port to install a newer shared 
library-version, it will preserve the old shared library(ies) for the 
depending ports to keep working, if any.

> But, as long as nobody does that, you will continue to bump PORTREVISION.

I will, huh?


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