svn commit: r409981 - in head: net-p2p/transmission-cli net-p2p/transmission-cli/files net-p2p/transmission-daemon net-p2p/transmission-gtk net-p2p/transmission-qt4 www/transmission-web

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at
Fri Mar 4 11:34:42 UTC 2016

Jan Beich <jbeich at> writes:

> Try r410032 fix. The intent is to select between -lcrypto, -lpolarssl, -lwolfssl
> without touching master port. It still remains a hack as there should be a way
> to override pkg-config output in QMake a la Autoconf:
>   # Handle openssl.pc being absent from base
>                           OPENSSL_LIBS="-L${OPENSSLLIB} -lcrypto"

Thanks, it works fine with that workaround.

> Note, Transmission supports QT5 since 2.82 and CMake build since 2.90.

I took a brief look at the CMake code there and it supports choosing
between different SSL implementations without the need for hacks. It'd
be great if the maintainer(s) considered moving the port to CMake :-)

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