svn commit: r418906 - head/ports-mgmt/synth

John Marino marino at
Fri Jul 22 01:40:04 UTC 2016

Author: marino
Date: Fri Jul 22 01:40:03 2016
New Revision: 418906

  ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.41 => 1.42
  This is a bug fix version.  Changes include:
    * Fix potential exception seen with a large number of builders.  The
      height of the log area was determined by subtracting the height of
      the other two zones from the overall xterm height.  This allowed for
      the possibility of a negative height for the log area resulting in a
      thrown exception.  Now the log is defined to be at least 10 lines
      log, but ncurses will just truncate as necessary.
    * Detection of bad OPSYS value added.  There's a rare case where pkg
      can corrupt the configuration value of the Operating System.  If it
      happens on FreeBSD, Synth thinks it is running on DragonFly which
      causes all sorts of problems.  The corruption can't be auto-fixed,
      but Synth will gracefully abort with instructions on how to correct
      the issue.
    * Fix filtering of port-mgmt/pkg in list of ports.  Synth was designed
      to always skip building pkg and thus remove it from a given list of
      ports, but the filtering didn't work correctly resulting in an
      exception with a misleading message.
    * Redirect failed jail setup command output to a new log:
      /var/log/synth/05_abnormal_cmd.out.  Under normal operation, the
      log will be empty, but any abnormal output will now be sent there
      rather than corrupt the ncurses display as it before now.
    * Fix mount cleanup procedure.  The output of "df -h" was being
      sorted alphabetically which caused mounts-on-mounts (an exception
      condition that dillon has been getting with H2 testing) to fail
      during dismount.  The df output is already in the correct order so
      it only needs to be iterated in reverse without the pre-sort.
    * Synth now links curses statically so it should not pull in any
      additional packages when the Synth binary package is installed.
  The only known bug is the curses display will freeze if running in an
  xterm window that gets resized.  The cause is still unknown because in
  theory Synth should correctly react to a window-resize event.  Some
  people may have success with ^z followed by fg command, but it's best
  to avoid resizing the window at all.


Modified: head/ports-mgmt/synth/Makefile
--- head/ports-mgmt/synth/Makefile	Fri Jul 22 01:37:51 2016	(r418905)
+++ head/ports-mgmt/synth/Makefile	Fri Jul 22 01:40:03 2016	(r418906)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	synth
 CATEGORIES=	ports-mgmt
@@ -12,17 +12,20 @@ COMMENT=	Custom package repository build
 LICENSE_FILE=	${WRKSRC}/License.txt
-BUILD_DEPENDS=	${GPR}/ini_file_manager.gpr:misc/ini_file_manager \
+BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/libncurses.a:devel/ncurses \
+		${GPR}/ini_file_manager.gpr:misc/ini_file_manager \
-USES=		ada:6 ncurses:port
+USES=		ada:6
 GH_ACCOUNT=	jrmarino
 GPR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/gnat
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|" \
+		${WRKSRC}/default.gpr \

Modified: head/ports-mgmt/synth/distinfo
--- head/ports-mgmt/synth/distinfo	Fri Jul 22 01:37:51 2016	(r418905)
+++ head/ports-mgmt/synth/distinfo	Fri Jul 22 01:40:03 2016	(r418906)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1466440794
-SHA256 (jrmarino-synth-v1.41_GH0.tar.gz) = 2a94fa4caf0e54214257dcff3c50e8174a1a33182d869b04c893bdf4b7635c31
-SIZE (jrmarino-synth-v1.41_GH0.tar.gz) = 101507
+TIMESTAMP = 1469058852
+SHA256 (jrmarino-synth-v1.42_GH0.tar.gz) = a54911b461e07e83d5f98b7890c22d4673e3907817bfd01363126d6336320b5b
+SIZE (jrmarino-synth-v1.42_GH0.tar.gz) = 102061

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