svn commit: r408766 - head/ports-mgmt/synth

John Marino at
Tue Feb 16 23:36:36 UTC 2016

On 2/17/2016 12:25 AM, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> On 2/12/16 1:56 PM, John Marino wrote:
> For the sake of user sanity I highly recommend not dropping beta (or
> "unreleased") code on them with a PORTREVISION bump. Package users, and
> most ports users, have no way to know if an updated package is a
> "release" or a "candidate", etc. They just know there is an update.
> Releasing huge changes with a PORTREVISION bump is quite surprising for
> them. A synth-devel fixes this.

If one adds a patch to a versioned port, they have to bump it right?
There's no functional difference between adding patches and changing the
git hash.

I don't believe this is that surprising for the following reasons:
1) the distfile changed (same as re-roll)
2) the commit logs are quite detailed
3) PORTREVISION change doesn't mean "ignore at your leisure".  It
changes the package name, thus it's a new package.
4) This port established a history of PORTREVISION being significant

So I don't think anyone would be (or at least *should be*) wondering if
they should upgrade.

All that being said, I don't plan on freezing on version numbers and
only bumping PORTREVISION in the future.  It was more of a first release

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