svn commit: r420828 - head/net/py-nnpy

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Thu Aug 25 10:32:21 UTC 2016

On 25/08/2016 6:26 PM, Chris Rees wrote:
> You should really either expand BUILD_DEPENDS before assigning it,
> with := or assign BUILD_DEPENDS to RUN_DEPENDS instead. Doing that
> avoids pollution from later additions such as extra USES only used
> for build etc.

I think this may be prior advice, and I remember a flurry of mailing
lists posts in the past about := that may or may not have been resolved
permanently. See Also: 'MY_DEPENDS' in the Porters Handbook.

The other option is to duplicate the lines, which I'm not impartial to


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