svn commit: r420045 - head/security/clamav

Dima Panov fluffy at
Thu Aug 11 09:16:35 UTC 2016

11.08.16 18:53, Mathieu Arnold пишет:
> +--On 11 août 2016 18:38:09 +1000 Dima Panov <fluffy at> wrote:
> | 11.08.16 18:29, Mathieu Arnold пишет:
> |> +--On 11 août 2016 03:49:42 +0000 Dima Panov <fluffy at> wrote:
> |> | +LLVM_USES=		compiler:c++11-lib
> |> 
> |> So, does it needs LLVM, or does it need a C++11 compiler with a C++11
> |> standard library ?
> |> 
> |> Because if it needs LLVM, it should depend on LLVM, not hope that asking
> |> for "C++11 compiler with a C++11 standard library" will get LLVM to be
> |> choosen.
> |> 
> | 
> | It need both LLVM and C++11-capable compiler.
> | LLVM to build Jit core and embed some functions from LLVM statically,
> | and C++11 compiler to build interface between Jit and main clamav library.
> The thing is, there's no real reason that c++11-lib can't bring in gcc 4.9,
> in which case you would not get a dependency on LLVM at all.

LLMV36 direct dependency is already defined in corresponding option
section, so both  conditions for LLVM and compiler will be valid.
Moreover, LLVM36 is also required c++11-lib, so there will be no reasons
to race conditions between libraries.

Dima Panov (fluffy at
(X11, KDE, Office)@FreeBSD team

twitter: fluffy_khv | skype: dima.panov | telegram: @dima_panov
IRC: fluffy at EFNet, fluffykhv at FreeNode

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