svn commit: r396248 - head/games/scummvm

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Tue Sep 8 02:03:59 UTC 2015

On 8/09/2015 12:00 PM, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
> On 7/09/2015 5:08 PM, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 08:46:51AM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>>> +--On 7 septembre 2015 06:25:11 +0000 Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at>
>>> wrote:
>>> | New Revision: 396248
>>> | URL:
>>> | 
>>> | Log:
>>> |   - Ensure that build logs in bulk (package) mode are useful by passing
>>> |     the --enable-verbose-build argument to configure script
>>> Why not always make the logs useful ? If I go and run make, I'll have some
>>> output that's useless for me to debug, right ?
>> Typically yes, I agree; I also prefer to always have full logs.  However,
>> a lot of people prefer to see them when needed, not always; this perception
>> could be popularized by Linux kernel build being quite by default, OpeWRT,
>> etc.  Our own Uses/ defines CMAKE_VERBOSE for patch/package builds
>> only.  On the other hand, with pkg(8) and binary packages becoming widely
>> adopted, perhaps we can assume that building from the ports is expert mode
>> and thus --enable-verbose-build/CMAKE_VERBOSE=yes/etc. should be rightful
>> default.
>> I was trying to preserve existing defaults, yet not pessimize cluster logs
>> usefullness.  I think if we could have consensus among ports folks that we
>> always prefer verbose logs, I'm all for removing the checks and just always
>> pass it.  In fact, this will make quite a few ports less cluttered.
>> ./danfe
> That (preserving/respecting current defaults) is the right thing to do.
> I advocate verbose by default across the board in the ports I maintain
> already. Our defaults should be conducive to debug-ability, particularly
> for the case of users providing feedback for maintainers.
> How about we exp-run for GNU_CONFIGURE=yes ports:
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-silent-rules
> MAKE_ENV+=		V=1 (maybe even MAKE_ARGS)
> OR:
> Templates/ = enable_silent_rules=no, and
> MAKE_ENV+= V=1 (maybe even MAKE_ARGS)
> AND maybe even:
> Quoting from:
> "Still, notwithstanding the rationales above, a developer who really
> wants to make silent rules enabled by default in his own package can do
> so by calling AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) in "
> Could we also REINPLACE_CMD that?
> Quoting relevant snippets from above link:
> Passing --enable-silent-rules to configure will cause build rules to be
> less verbose; the option --disable-silent-rules will cause normal
> verbose output."
> At make run time, the default chosen at configure time may be
> overridden: make V=1 will produce verbose output, make V=0 less verbose
> output.
> Also, in projects using libtool, the use of silent rules can
> automatically enable the libtool’s --silent option

There's also no reason we couldn't wrap what we do in a user
option/knob, so that builds could be made verbose/silent in particular
cases, or at the users command.


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