svn commit: r396248 - head/games/scummvm

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Mon Sep 7 07:08:46 UTC 2015

On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 08:46:51AM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +--On 7 septembre 2015 06:25:11 +0000 Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at>
> wrote:
> | New Revision: 396248
> | URL:
> | 
> | Log:
> |   - Ensure that build logs in bulk (package) mode are useful by passing
> |     the --enable-verbose-build argument to configure script
> Why not always make the logs useful ? If I go and run make, I'll have some
> output that's useless for me to debug, right ?

Typically yes, I agree; I also prefer to always have full logs.  However,
a lot of people prefer to see them when needed, not always; this perception
could be popularized by Linux kernel build being quite by default, OpeWRT,
etc.  Our own Uses/ defines CMAKE_VERBOSE for patch/package builds
only.  On the other hand, with pkg(8) and binary packages becoming widely
adopted, perhaps we can assume that building from the ports is expert mode
and thus --enable-verbose-build/CMAKE_VERBOSE=yes/etc. should be rightful

I was trying to preserve existing defaults, yet not pessimize cluster logs
usefullness.  I think if we could have consensus among ports folks that we
always prefer verbose logs, I'm all for removing the checks and just always
pass it.  In fact, this will make quite a few ports less cluttered.


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