svn commit: r395628 - in head/www: . py-pyocclient

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Mon Aug 31 06:09:06 UTC 2015

On 31/08/2015 3:57 PM, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 03:41:41PM +1000, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
>> On 31/08/2015 3:26 PM, Thomas Zander wrote:
>>> On 31 August 2015 at 05:49, Kubilay Kocak <koobs at> wrote:
>>>> Given this port only supports 2.x, this should be set to python:-2.7,
>>>> unless it doesn't support 2.6 in which case it should be set to python:2.7
>>> True, but somehow it feels wrong to set python:-2.7 if you mean "pre-3.x".
>> Ports should be declarative rather than imperative in respect to
>> describing what Python versions are supported.
>> I'm not 100% sure whether USES=python supports the a.b,a.c format (I
>> don't think it does), but if not, the closest thing we have to
>> stipulating "< a.d" is "-a.c".
> If "port only supports 2.x" what's more declaratively clear than python:2?
> ./danfe

python:2 unfortunately implicitly means 'depend on the lang/python2'
metaport, "not any version of 2.x"

We have a little bit of work to do:

 1) Easy way to declare only 'any version' of 2.x / 3.x
 2) Support for a,b,c in USES:python:

With (2), (1) may not be needed, depending on how upstream specifies
their 'supported versions'


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