svn commit: r394583 - head/textproc/par

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue Aug 18 22:12:27 UTC 2015

+--On 18 août 2015 22:43:42 +0100 Mark R V Murray <markm at>
|> On 18 Aug 2015, at 16:37, Jan Beich <jbeich at> wrote:
|> Mark Murray <markm at> writes:
|>> Author: markm (src committer)
|>> Date: Tue Aug 18 13:21:23 2015
|>> New Revision: 394583
|>> URL:
|>> Log:
|>>  Sort out duplicate LATEST_LINK issue by adding "format" suffix.
|>>  (Port commit done with my src/ committer hat on)
|>>  Requested by: Erwin "Annoying Reminder Guy III" Lansing
|> I think, you may have jumped the gun on the false positive from
|> On 2015-08-18, Ports Index build <indexbuild at> writes:
| There may still be some kind of clash between textproc/par and
| archivers/par.

Nope, make -V PKGBASE (which is, really, the only unique thing that has to
be unique) tells you that archiver/par is quake-par.

Mathieu Arnold
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