svn commit: r346384 - in head/audio/xmms2: . files

Guido Falsi madpilot at
Thu Feb 27 19:52:13 UTC 2014

Author: madpilot
Date: Thu Feb 27 19:52:11 2014
New Revision: 346384

  - Fix build with AVCODEC option [1]
  - Fix build with when both VISUAL and VORBIS options are on
  - While here, make portlint happier
  PR:		ports/187100 [1]
  Submitted by:	Igor Steuck Lopes <igorstklps at>
  Obtained from:	Upstream [1]

  head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec__compat.h   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/audio/xmms2/Makefile
--- head/audio/xmms2/Makefile	Thu Feb 27 18:10:04 2014	(r346383)
+++ head/audio/xmms2/Makefile	Thu Feb 27 19:52:11 2014	(r346384)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 PORTNAME?=	xmms2
@@ -372,6 +372,10 @@ PLIST_SUB+=	ET="@comment "
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|%%WRKSRC%%|${WRKSRC}|" ${WRKSRC}/wscript
+	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|'vorbisenc',|'vorbisenc vorbis ogg',|" \
+		${WRKSRC}/src/clients/vistest/wscript
 	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${PYTHON_CMD} waf ${_MAKE_JOBS} configure \

Modified: head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec.c
--- head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec.c	Thu Feb 27 18:10:04 2014	(r346383)
+++ head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec.c	Thu Feb 27 19:52:11 2014	(r346384)
@@ -1,13 +1,527 @@
---- src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec.c.orig	2013-10-25 14:04:33.493859184 -0200
-+++ src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec.c	2013-10-25 14:08:39.342858585 -0200
-@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
- #define AVCODEC_BUFFER_SIZE 16384
-+#define AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 192000 // 1 second of 48khz 32bit audio
+--- src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec.c.orig	2011-10-20 21:26:08.000000000 +0200
++++ src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec.c	2014-02-27 18:55:51.060717698 +0100
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /** @file avcodec.c
+  *  Decoder plugin for ffmpeg avcodec formats
+  *
+- *  Copyright (C) 2006-2011 XMMS2 Team
++ *  Copyright (C) 2006-2014 XMMS2 Team
+  *
+  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
+  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  */
+-#include "xmms_configuration.h"
+-#include "xmms/xmms_xformplugin.h"
+-#include "xmms/xmms_sample.h"
+-#include "xmms/xmms_log.h"
++#include <xmms_configuration.h>
++#include <xmms/xmms_xformplugin.h>
++#include <xmms/xmms_sample.h>
++#include <xmms/xmms_log.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <glib.h>
++#include <libavutil/mem.h>
+ #include "avcodec_compat.h"
+@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@
+ 	guint buffer_size;
+ 	gboolean no_demuxer;
++	AVFrame *read_out_frame;
+ 	guint channels;
+ 	guint samplerate;
+ 	xmms_sample_format_t sampleformat;
+@@ -53,10 +56,14 @@
+ static gboolean xmms_avcodec_plugin_setup (xmms_xform_plugin_t *xform_plugin);
+ static gboolean xmms_avcodec_init (xmms_xform_t *xform);
+ static void xmms_avcodec_destroy (xmms_xform_t *xform);
++static gint xmms_avcodec_internal_read_some (xmms_xform_t *xform, xmms_avcodec_data_t *data, xmms_error_t *error);
++static gint xmms_avcodec_internal_decode_some (xmms_avcodec_data_t *data);
++static void xmms_avcodec_internal_append (xmms_avcodec_data_t *data);
+ static gint xmms_avcodec_read (xmms_xform_t *xform, xmms_sample_t *buf, gint len,
+                                xmms_error_t *error);
+ static gint64 xmms_avcodec_seek (xmms_xform_t *xform, gint64 samples,
+                                  xmms_xform_seek_mode_t whence, xmms_error_t *err);
++static xmms_sample_format_t xmms_avcodec_translate_sample_format (enum AVSampleFormat av_sample_format);
+ /*
+  * Plugin header
+@@ -85,13 +92,23 @@
+ 	xmms_magic_add ("A/52 (AC-3) header", "audio/x-ffmpeg-ac3",
+ 	                "0 beshort 0x0b77", NULL);
+ 	xmms_magic_add ("DTS header", "audio/x-ffmpeg-dca",
+-	                "0 belong 0x7ffe8001", NULL); 
++	                "0 belong 0x7ffe8001", NULL);
+ 	xmms_xform_plugin_indata_add (xform_plugin,
+ 	                              XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_MIMETYPE,
+ 	                              "audio/x-ffmpeg-*",
+ 	                              NULL);
++	XMMS_DBG ("avcodec version at build time is %d.%d.%d",
++	          (LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >> 16),
++	          (LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >> 8) & 0xff,
++	          LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT & 0xff);
++	XMMS_DBG ("avcodec version at run time is %d.%d.%d",
++	          (avcodec_version() >> 16),
++	          (avcodec_version() >> 8) & 0xff,
++	          avcodec_version() & 0xff);
++	XMMS_DBG ("avcodec configuration is %s", avcodec_configuration());
+ 	return TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -107,6 +124,7 @@
+ 	avcodec_close (data->codecctx);
+ 	av_free (data->codecctx);
++	av_frame_free (&data->read_out_frame);
+ 	g_string_free (data->outbuf, TRUE);
+ 	g_free (data->buffer);
+@@ -132,9 +150,10 @@
+ 	data->buffer_size = AVCODEC_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ 	data->codecctx = NULL;
++	data->read_out_frame = av_frame_alloc ();
- typedef struct {
- 	AVCodecContext *codecctx;
+ 	xmms_xform_private_data_set (xform, data);
+-	avcodec_init ();
+ 	avcodec_register_all ();
+ 	mimetype = xmms_xform_indata_get_str (xform,
+@@ -161,12 +180,12 @@
+ 		data->channels = ret;
+ 	}
+-	/* bitrate required for WMA files */
++	/* Required by WMA xform. */
+ 	xmms_xform_auxdata_get_int (xform,
+ 	                            "bitrate",
+ 	                            &data->bitrate);
+-	/* ALAC and MAC require bits per sample field to be 16 */
++	/* Required by tta and apefile xforms. */
+ 	xmms_xform_auxdata_get_int (xform,
+ 	                            "samplebits",
+ 	                            &data->samplebits);
+@@ -188,7 +207,8 @@
+ 		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "adpcm_swf") ||
+ 		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "pcm_s16le") ||
+ 		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "ac3") ||
+-		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "dca")) {
++		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "dca") ||
++		    !strcmp (data->codec_id, "nellymoser")) {
+ 			/* number 1024 taken from libavformat raw.c RAW_PACKET_SIZE */
+ 			data->extradata = g_malloc0 (1024);
+ 			data->extradata_size = 1024;
+@@ -196,22 +216,22 @@
+ 		} else {
+ 			/* A demuxer plugin forgot to give decoder config? */
+ 			xmms_log_error ("Decoder config data not found!");
+-			return FALSE;
++			goto err;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	data->codecctx = avcodec_alloc_context ();
++	data->codecctx = avcodec_alloc_context3 (codec);
+ 	data->codecctx->sample_rate = data->samplerate;
+ 	data->codecctx->channels = data->channels;
+ 	data->codecctx->bit_rate = data->bitrate;
+-	CONTEXT_BPS (data->codecctx) = data->samplebits;
++	data->codecctx->bits_per_coded_sample = data->samplebits;
+ 	data->codecctx->block_align = data->block_align;
+ 	data->codecctx->extradata = data->extradata;
+ 	data->codecctx->extradata_size = data->extradata_size;
+ 	data->codecctx->codec_id = codec->id;
+ 	data->codecctx->codec_type = codec->type;
+-	if (avcodec_open (data->codecctx, codec) < 0) {
++	if (avcodec_open2 (data->codecctx, codec, NULL) < 0) {
+ 		XMMS_DBG ("Opening decoder '%s' failed", codec->name);
+ 		goto err;
+ 	} else {
+@@ -220,7 +240,7 @@
+ 		/* some codecs need to have something read before they set
+ 		 * the samplerate and channels correctly, unfortunately... */
+-		if ((ret = xmms_avcodec_read (xform, buf, 42, &error)) > 0) {
++		if ((ret = xmms_avcodec_read (xform, buf, sizeof (buf), &error)) > 0) {
+ 			g_string_insert_len (data->outbuf, 0, buf, ret);
+ 		} else {
+ 			XMMS_DBG ("First read failed, codec is not working...");
+@@ -231,19 +251,27 @@
+ 	data->samplerate = data->codecctx->sample_rate;
+ 	data->channels = data->codecctx->channels;
++	data->sampleformat = xmms_avcodec_translate_sample_format (data->codecctx->sample_fmt);
++	if (data->sampleformat == XMMS_SAMPLE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
++		avcodec_close (data->codecctx);
++		goto err;
++	}
+ 	xmms_xform_outdata_type_add (xform,
+ 	                             XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_MIMETYPE,
+ 	                             "audio/pcm",
+ 	                             XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_FMT_FORMAT,
+-	                             XMMS_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16,
++	                             data->sampleformat,
+ 	                             XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_FMT_CHANNELS,
+ 	                             data->channels,
+ 	                             XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_FMT_SAMPLERATE,
+ 	                             data->samplerate,
+ 	                             XMMS_STREAM_TYPE_END);
+-	XMMS_DBG ("Decoder '%s' initialized successfully!", codec->name);
++	XMMS_DBG ("Decoder %s at rate %d with %d channels of format %s initialized",
++	          codec->name, data->codecctx->sample_rate,
++	          data->codecctx->channels,
++	          av_get_sample_fmt_name (data->codecctx->sample_fmt));
+ 	return TRUE;
+@@ -251,6 +279,9 @@
+ 	if (data->codecctx) {
+ 		av_free (data->codecctx);
+ 	}
++	if (data->read_out_frame) {
++		avcodec_free_frame (&data->read_out_frame);
++	}
+ 	g_string_free (data->outbuf, TRUE);
+ 	g_free (data->extradata);
+ 	g_free (data);
+@@ -263,102 +294,24 @@
+                    xmms_error_t *error)
+ {
+ 	xmms_avcodec_data_t *data;
+-	gint outbufsize, bytes_read = 0;
+ 	guint size;
+ 	data = xmms_xform_private_data_get (xform);
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (data, -1);
+-	size = MIN (data->outbuf->len, len);
+-	while (size == 0) {
+-		AVPacket packet;
+-		av_init_packet (&packet);
++	while (0 == (size = MIN (data->outbuf->len, len))) {
++		gint res;
+ 		if (data->no_demuxer || data->buffer_length == 0) {
+-			gint read_total;
+-			bytes_read = xmms_xform_read (xform,
+-			                              (gchar *) (data->buffer + data->buffer_length),
+-			                              data->buffer_size - data->buffer_length,
+-			                              error);
+-			if (bytes_read < 0) {
+-				XMMS_DBG ("Error while reading data");
+-				return bytes_read;
+-			} else if (bytes_read == 0) {
+-				XMMS_DBG ("EOF");
+-				return 0;
+-			}
++			gint bytes_read;
+-			read_total = bytes_read;
+-			/* If we have a demuxer plugin, make sure we read the whole packet */
+-			while (read_total == data->buffer_size && !data->no_demuxer) {
+-				/* multiply the buffer size and try to read again */
+-				data->buffer = g_realloc (data->buffer, data->buffer_size * 2);
+-				bytes_read = xmms_xform_read (xform,
+-				                              (gchar *) data->buffer +
+-				                                data->buffer_size,
+-				                              data->buffer_size,
+-				                              error);
+-				data->buffer_size *= 2;
+-				if (bytes_read < 0) {
+-					XMMS_DBG ("Error while reading data");
+-					return bytes_read;
+-				}
+-				read_total += bytes_read;
+-				if (read_total < data->buffer_size) {
+-					/* finally double the buffer size for performance reasons, the
+-					 * hotspot handling likes to fit two frames in the buffer */
+-					data->buffer = g_realloc (data->buffer, data->buffer_size * 2);
+-					data->buffer_size *= 2;
+-					XMMS_DBG ("Reallocated avcodec internal buffer to be %d bytes",
+-					          data->buffer_size);
+-					break;
+-				}
+-			}
+-			/* Update the buffer length */
+-			data->buffer_length += read_total;
++			bytes_read = xmms_avcodec_internal_read_some (xform, data, error);
++			if (bytes_read <= 0) { return bytes_read; }
+ 		}
+- = data->buffer;
+-		packet.size = data->buffer_length;
+-		outbufsize = sizeof (outbuf);
+-		bytes_read = avcodec_decode_audio3 (data->codecctx, (short *) outbuf,
+-		                                    &outbufsize, &packet);
+-		/* The DTS decoder of ffmpeg is buggy and always returns
+-		 * the input buffer length, get frame length from header */
+-		if (!strcmp (data->codec_id, "dca") && bytes_read > 0) {
+-			bytes_read = ((int)data->buffer[5] << 12) |
+-			             ((int)data->buffer[6] << 4) |
+-			             ((int)data->buffer[7] >> 4);
+-			bytes_read = (bytes_read & 0x3fff) + 1;
+-		}
+-		if (bytes_read < 0 || bytes_read > data->buffer_length) {
+-			XMMS_DBG ("Error decoding data!");
+-			return -1;
+-		} else if (bytes_read != data->buffer_length) {
+-			g_memmove (data->buffer,
+-			           data->buffer + bytes_read,
+-			           data->buffer_length - bytes_read);
+-		}
+-		data->buffer_length -= bytes_read;
+-		if (outbufsize > 0) {
+-			g_string_append_len (data->outbuf, outbuf, outbufsize);
+-		}
+-		size = MIN (data->outbuf->len, len);
++		res = xmms_avcodec_internal_decode_some (data);
++		if (res < 0) { return res; }
++		if (res > 0) { xmms_avcodec_internal_append (data); }
+ 	}
+ 	memcpy (buf, data->outbuf->str, size);
+@@ -371,8 +324,6 @@
+ xmms_avcodec_seek (xmms_xform_t *xform, gint64 samples, xmms_xform_seek_mode_t whence, xmms_error_t *err)
+ {
+ 	xmms_avcodec_data_t *data;
+-	gint outbufsize, bytes_read = 0;
+ 	gint64 ret = -1;
+ 	g_return_val_if_fail (xform, -1);
+@@ -390,23 +341,11 @@
+ 	/* The buggy ape decoder doesn't flush buffers, so we need to finish decoding
+ 	 * the frame before seeking to avoid segfaults... this hack sucks */
++	/* FIXME: Is ^^^ still true? */
+ 	while (data->buffer_length > 0) {
+-		AVPacket packet;
+-		av_init_packet (&packet);
+- = data->buffer;
+-		packet.size = data->buffer_length;
+-		outbufsize = sizeof (outbuf);
+-		bytes_read = avcodec_decode_audio3 (data->codecctx, (short *) outbuf,
+-		                                    &outbufsize, &packet);
+-		if (bytes_read < 0 || bytes_read > data->buffer_length) {
+-			XMMS_DBG ("Error decoding data!");
++		if (xmms_avcodec_internal_decode_some (data) < 0) {
+ 			return -1;
+ 		}
+-		data->buffer_length -= bytes_read;
+-		g_memmove (data->buffer, data->buffer + bytes_read, data->buffer_length);
+ 	}
+ 	ret = xmms_xform_seek (xform, samples, whence, err);
+@@ -420,3 +359,178 @@
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static xmms_sample_format_t
++xmms_avcodec_translate_sample_format (enum AVSampleFormat av_sample_format)
++	switch (av_sample_format) {
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8:
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P:
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16:
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P:
++		return XMMS_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16;
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32:
++	case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P:
++		return XMMS_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S32;
++	default:
++		XMMS_DBG ("AVSampleFormat (%i: %s) not supported.", av_sample_format,
++		          av_get_sample_fmt_name (av_sample_format));
++	}
++Read some data from our source of data to data->buffer, updating buffer_length
++and buffer_size as needed.
++Returns: on error: negative
++         on EOF: zero
++         otherwise: number of bytes read.
++static gint
++xmms_avcodec_internal_read_some (xmms_xform_t *xform,
++                                 xmms_avcodec_data_t *data,
++                                 xmms_error_t *error)
++	gint bytes_read, read_total;
++	bytes_read = xmms_xform_read (xform,
++	                              (gchar *) (data->buffer + data->buffer_length),
++	                              data->buffer_size - data->buffer_length,
++	                              error);
++	if (bytes_read < 0) {
++		XMMS_DBG ("Error while reading data");
++		return bytes_read;
++	} else if (bytes_read == 0) {
++		XMMS_DBG ("EOF");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	read_total = bytes_read;
++	/* If we have a demuxer plugin, make sure we read the whole packet */
++	while (read_total == data->buffer_size && !data->no_demuxer) {
++		/* multiply the buffer size and try to read again */
++		data->buffer = g_realloc (data->buffer, data->buffer_size * 2);
++		bytes_read = xmms_xform_read (xform,
++		                              (gchar *) data->buffer +
++		                                data->buffer_size,
++		                              data->buffer_size,
++		                              error);
++		data->buffer_size *= 2;
++		if (bytes_read < 0) {
++			XMMS_DBG ("Error while reading data");
++			return bytes_read;
++		}
++		read_total += bytes_read;
++		if (read_total < data->buffer_size) {
++			/* finally double the buffer size for performance reasons, the
++			 * hotspot handling likes to fit two frames in the buffer */
++			data->buffer = g_realloc (data->buffer, data->buffer_size * 2);
++			data->buffer_size *= 2;
++			XMMS_DBG ("Reallocated avcodec internal buffer to be %d bytes",
++			          data->buffer_size);
++			break;
++		}
++	}
++	/* Update the buffer length */
++	data->buffer_length += read_total;
++	return read_total;
++Decode some data from data->buffer[>buffer_length-1] to
++Returns: on error: negative
++         on no new data produced: zero
++         otherwise: positive
++FIXME: data->buffer should be at least data->buffer_length +
++static gint
++xmms_avcodec_internal_decode_some (xmms_avcodec_data_t *data)
++	int got_frame = 0;
++	gint bytes_read = 0;
++	AVPacket packet;
++	av_init_packet (&packet);
++ = data->buffer;
++	packet.size = data->buffer_length;
++	/* clear buffers and reset fields to defaults */
++	av_frame_unref (data->read_out_frame);
++	bytes_read = avcodec_decode_audio4 (
++		data->codecctx, data->read_out_frame, &got_frame, &packet);
++	/* The DTS decoder of ffmpeg is buggy and always returns
++	 * the input buffer length, get frame length from header */
++	/* FIXME: Is ^^^^ still true? */
++	if (!strcmp (data->codec_id, "dca") && bytes_read > 0) {
++		bytes_read = ((int)data->buffer[5] << 12) |
++		             ((int)data->buffer[6] << 4) |
++		             ((int)data->buffer[7] >> 4);
++		bytes_read = (bytes_read & 0x3fff) + 1;
++	}
++	if (bytes_read < 0 || bytes_read > data->buffer_length) {
++		XMMS_DBG ("Error decoding data!");
++		return -1;
++	}
++	if (bytes_read < data->buffer_length) {
++		data->buffer_length -= bytes_read;
++		g_memmove (data->buffer,
++		           data->buffer + bytes_read,
++		           data->buffer_length);
++	} else {
++		data->buffer_length = 0;
++	}
++	return got_frame ? 1 : 0;
++static void
++xmms_avcodec_internal_append (xmms_avcodec_data_t *data)
++	enum AVSampleFormat fmt = (enum AVSampleFormat) data->read_out_frame->format;
++	int samples = data->read_out_frame->nb_samples;
++	int channels = data->codecctx->channels;
++	int bps = av_get_bytes_per_sample (fmt);
++	if (av_sample_fmt_is_planar (fmt)) {
++		/* Convert from planar to packed format */
++		gint i, j;
++		for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
++			for (j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
++				g_string_append_len (
++					data->outbuf,
++					(gchar *) (data->read_out_frame->extended_data[j] + i*bps),
++					bps
++				);
++			}
++		}
++	} else {
++		g_string_append_len (data->outbuf,
++		                     (gchar *) data->read_out_frame->extended_data[0],
++		                     samples * channels * bps);
++	}

Added: head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec__compat.h
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/audio/xmms2/files/patch-src_plugins_avcodec_avcodec__compat.h	Thu Feb 27 19:52:11 2014	(r346384)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+--- src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec_compat.h.orig	2011-10-20 21:26:08.000000000 +0200
++++ src/plugins/avcodec/avcodec_compat.h	2014-02-27 18:38:22.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ /** @file avcodec_compat.h
+  *  Compatibility header for libavcodec backwards compatibility
+  *
+- *  Copyright (C) 2011 XMMS2 Team
++ *  Copyright (C) 2011-2014 XMMS2 Team
+  *
+  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+@@ -21,47 +21,16 @@
+ # include "avcodec.h"
+ #endif
+-/* Map avcodec_decode_audio2 into the deprecated version
+- * avcodec_decode_audio in versions earlier than 51.28 */
+-# define avcodec_decode_audio2 avcodec_decode_audio
++/* Map avcodec_free_frame to av_freep if the former doesn't exist.
++ * (This is in versions earlier than 54.28.0 (libav) or 54.59.100 (ffmpeg)) */
++# define avcodec_free_frame av_freep
+ #endif
+-/* Handle API change that happened in libavcodec 52.00 */
+-# define CONTEXT_BPS(codecctx) (codecctx)->bits_per_sample
+-# define CONTEXT_BPS(codecctx) (codecctx)->bits_per_coded_sample
+-/* Before 52.23 AVPacket was defined in avformat.h which we
+- * do not want to depend on, so we define part of it manually
+- * on versions smaller than 52.23 (this makes me cry) */
+-typedef struct AVPacket {
+-        uint8_t *data;
+-        int size;
+-} AVPacket;
+-/* Same thing as above for av_init_packet and version 52.25 */
+-# define av_init_packet(pkt) do { \
+-    (pkt)->data = NULL; \
+-    (pkt)->size = 0; \
+-  } while(0)
++/* Map av_frame_alloc, av_frame_unref, av_frame_free into their
++ * deprecated versions in versions earlier than 55.28.1 */
++# define av_frame_alloc avcodec_alloc_frame
++# define av_frame_unref avcodec_get_frame_defaults
++# define av_frame_free avcodec_free_frame
+ #endif
+-/* Map avcodec_decode_audio3 into the deprecated version
+- * avcodec_decode_audio2 in versions earlier than 52.26 */
+-# define avcodec_decode_audio3(avctx, samples, frame_size_ptr, avpkt) \
+-    avcodec_decode_audio2(avctx, samples, frame_size_ptr, \
+-                          (avpkt)->data, (avpkt)->size)
+-/* Handle API change that happened in libavcodec 52.64 */

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