svn commit: r346953 - in head/sysutils/smartmontools: . files

Tijl Coosemans tijl at
Mon Mar 3 18:58:15 UTC 2014

Author: tijl
Date: Mon Mar  3 18:58:14 2014
New Revision: 346953

  Improve the FreeBSD SCSI and SAS support in smartmontools:
  - Remove unused private fields from some classes (found by Clang).
  - In freebsd_scsi_device::scsi_pass_through:
    * Make sure this function returns false on error instead of an error
      code that gets converted to true.
    * Put printing of the "Incoming data" debug info right after the
      cam_send_ccb() call and before the error checking to make
      debugging easier.
    * When copying sense data make sure the fields in the CCB are
      actually valid with CAM_AUTOSNS_VALID.  Also make sure that the
      size of the sense data doesn't overflow max_sense_len.  This was
      the real cause for the crash in ports/181836.
    * Add some debug printing on the sense data.
  Committed upstream as r3873.
  PR:		ports/181836, ports/185960, ports/186095
  Tested by:	many


Modified: head/sysutils/smartmontools/Makefile
--- head/sysutils/smartmontools/Makefile	Mon Mar  3 18:56:44 2014	(r346952)
+++ head/sysutils/smartmontools/Makefile	Mon Mar  3 18:58:14 2014	(r346953)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	smartmontools
 CATEGORIES=	sysutils

Modified: head/sysutils/smartmontools/files/patch-os_freebsd.cpp
--- head/sysutils/smartmontools/files/patch-os_freebsd.cpp	Mon Mar  3 18:56:44 2014	(r346952)
+++ head/sysutils/smartmontools/files/patch-os_freebsd.cpp	Mon Mar  3 18:58:14 2014	(r346953)
@@ -1,6 +1,44 @@
 --- os_freebsd.cpp.orig	2013-07-05 12:40:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ os_freebsd.cpp	2013-12-25 20:54:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -445,7 +445,8 @@
++++ os_freebsd.cpp	2014-03-03 19:16:11.000000000 +0100
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ #endif
+-const char *os_XXXX_c_cvsid="$Id: os_freebsd.cpp 3824 2013-07-05 10:40:38Z samm2 $" \
++const char *os_XXXX_c_cvsid="$Id: os_freebsd.cpp 3874 2014-02-18 00:47:23Z samm2 $" \
+ #define NO_RETURN 0
+@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
+ : virtual public /*implements*/ smart_device
+ {
+ public:
+-  explicit freebsd_smart_device(const char * mode)
++  explicit freebsd_smart_device()
+     : smart_device(never_called),
+-      m_fd(-1), m_mode(mode) { }
++      m_fd(-1) { }
+   virtual ~freebsd_smart_device() throw();
+@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
+ private:
+   int m_fd; ///< filedesc, -1 if not open.
+-  const char * m_mode; ///< Mode string for deviceopen().
+ };
+ #ifdef __GLIBC__
+@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@
+ freebsd_ata_device::freebsd_ata_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name, const char * req_type)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "ata", req_type),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("ATA")
++  freebsd_smart_device()
+ {
+ }
+@@ -445,7 +444,8 @@
    if ((ccb.ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) {
@@ -10,22 +48,230 @@
      return -1;
-@@ -997,13 +998,15 @@
+@@ -489,10 +489,7 @@
+ freebsd_escalade_device::freebsd_escalade_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name,
+     int escalade_type, int disknum)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "3ware", "3ware"),
+-  freebsd_smart_device(
+-    escalade_type==CONTROLLER_3WARE_9000_CHAR ? "ATA_3WARE_9000" :
+-    escalade_type==CONTROLLER_3WARE_678K_CHAR ? "ATA_3WARE_678K" :
+-    /*             CONTROLLER_3WARE_678K     */ "ATA"             ),
++  freebsd_smart_device(),
+   m_escalade_type(escalade_type), m_disknum(disknum)
+ {
+   set_info().info_name = strprintf("%s [3ware_disk_%02d]", dev_name, disknum);
+@@ -704,7 +701,7 @@
+ freebsd_highpoint_device::freebsd_highpoint_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name,
+   unsigned char controller, unsigned char channel, unsigned char port)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "hpt", "hpt"),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("ATA")
++  freebsd_smart_device()
+ {
+   m_hpt_data[0] = controller; m_hpt_data[1] = channel; m_hpt_data[2] = port;
+   set_info().info_name = strprintf("%s [hpt_disk_%u/%u/%u]", dev_name, m_hpt_data[0], m_hpt_data[1], m_hpt_data[2]);
+@@ -897,7 +894,6 @@
+   virtual bool close();
+ private:
+-  int m_fd;
+   struct cam_device *m_camdev;
+ };
+@@ -921,17 +917,16 @@
+ freebsd_scsi_device::freebsd_scsi_device(smart_interface * intf,
+   const char * dev_name, const char * req_type)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "scsi", req_type),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("SCSI")
++  freebsd_smart_device()
+ {
+ }
+ bool freebsd_scsi_device::scsi_pass_through(scsi_cmnd_io * iop)
+ {
+-  int report=scsi_debugmode;
+   union ccb *ccb;
+-  if (report > 0) {
++  if (scsi_debugmode) {
+     unsigned int k;
+     const unsigned char * ucp = iop->cmnd;
+     const char * np;
+@@ -940,7 +935,7 @@
+     pout(" [%s: ", np ? np : "<unknown opcode>");
+     for (k = 0; k < iop->cmnd_len; ++k)
+       pout("%02x ", ucp[k]);
+-    if ((report > 1) && 
++    if ((scsi_debugmode > 1) && 
+       (DXFER_TO_DEVICE == iop->dxfer_dir) && (iop->dxferp)) {
+     int trunc = (iop->dxfer_len > 256) ? 1 : 0;
+@@ -949,18 +944,21 @@
+     dStrHex(iop->dxferp, (trunc ? 256 : iop->dxfer_len) , 1);
+       }
+       else
+-        pout("]");
++        pout("]\n");
+   }
+   if(m_camdev==NULL) {
+-    warnx("error: camdev=0!");
+-    return -ENOTTY;
++    if (scsi_debugmode)
++      pout("  error: camdev=0!\n");
++    return set_err(ENOTTY);
+   }
+   if (!(ccb = cam_getccb(m_camdev))) {
+-    warnx("error allocating ccb");
+-    return -ENOMEM;
++    if (scsi_debugmode)
++      pout("  error allocating ccb\n");
++    return set_err(ENOMEM);
+   }
+   // mfi SAT layer is known to be buggy
+   if(!strcmp("mfi",m_camdev->sim_name)) {
+     if (iop->cmnd[0] == SAT_ATA_PASSTHROUGH_12 || iop->cmnd[0] == SAT_ATA_PASSTHROUGH_16) { 
+@@ -984,8 +982,8 @@
+     sizeof(struct ccb_scsiio) - sizeof(struct ccb_hdr));
+   cam_fill_csio(&ccb->csio,
+-    /*retrires*/ 1,
+-    /*cbfcnp*/ NULL,
++    /* retries */ 1,
++    /* cbfcnp */ NULL,
+     /* flags */ (iop->dxfer_dir == DXFER_NONE ? CAM_DIR_NONE :(iop->dxfer_dir == DXFER_FROM_DEVICE ? CAM_DIR_IN : CAM_DIR_OUT)),
+     /* tagaction */ MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG,
+     /* dataptr */ iop->dxferp,
+@@ -996,44 +994,81 @@
+   memcpy(ccb->csio.cdb_io.cdb_bytes,iop->cmnd,iop->cmnd_len);
    if (cam_send_ccb(m_camdev,ccb) < 0) {
-     warn("error sending SCSI ccb");
+-    warn("error sending SCSI ccb");
 -    cam_error_print(m_camdev,ccb,CAM_ESF_ALL,CAM_EPF_ALL,stderr);
-+    if (report > 0)
++    if (scsi_debugmode) {
++      pout("  error sending SCSI ccb\n");
 +      cam_error_print(m_camdev,ccb,CAM_ESF_ALL,CAM_EPF_ALL,stderr);
++    }
-     return -EIO;
+-    return -EIO;
++    return set_err(EIO);
++  }
++  if (scsi_debugmode) {
++    pout("  CAM status=0x%x, SCSI status=0x%x, resid=0x%x\n",
++         ccb->ccb_h.status, ccb->csio.scsi_status, ccb->csio.resid);
++    if ((scsi_debugmode > 1) && (DXFER_FROM_DEVICE == iop->dxfer_dir)) {
++      int trunc, len;
++      len = iop->dxfer_len - ccb->csio.resid;
++      trunc = (len > 256) ? 1 : 0;
++      if (len > 0) {
++        pout("  Incoming data, len=%d%s:\n", len,
++             (trunc ? " [only first 256 bytes shown]" : ""));
++        dStrHex(iop->dxferp, (trunc ? 256 : len), 1);
++      }
++      else
++        pout("  Incoming data trimmed to nothing by resid\n");
++    }
--  if (((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) && ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_SCSI_STATUS_ERROR)) {
+   if (((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) && ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_SCSI_STATUS_ERROR)) {
 -    cam_error_print(m_camdev,ccb,CAM_ESF_ALL,CAM_EPF_ALL,stderr);
-+  if ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) {
-+    if(report > 0)
++    if (scsi_debugmode)
 +      cam_error_print(m_camdev,ccb,CAM_ESF_ALL,CAM_EPF_ALL,stderr);
-     return -EIO;
+-    return -EIO;
++    return set_err(EIO);
+   }
+-  if (iop->sensep) {
++  iop->resid = ccb->csio.resid;
++  iop->scsi_status = ccb->csio.scsi_status;
++  if (iop->sensep && (ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_AUTOSNS_VALID) != 0) {
++    if (scsi_debugmode)
++      pout("  sense_len=0x%x, sense_resid=0x%x\n",
++           ccb->csio.sense_len, ccb->csio.sense_resid);
+     iop->resp_sense_len = ccb->csio.sense_len - ccb->csio.sense_resid;
+-    memcpy(iop->sensep,&(ccb->csio.sense_data),iop->resp_sense_len);
++    /* Some SCSI controller device drivers miscalculate the sense_resid
++       field so cap resp_sense_len on max_sense_len. */
++    if (iop->resp_sense_len > iop->max_sense_len)
++      iop->resp_sense_len = iop->max_sense_len;
++    if (iop->resp_sense_len > 0) {
++      memcpy(iop->sensep, &(ccb->csio.sense_data), iop->resp_sense_len);
++      if (scsi_debugmode) {
++        if (scsi_debugmode > 1) {
++          pout("  >>> Sense buffer, len=%zu:\n", iop->resp_sense_len);
++          dStrHex(iop->sensep, iop->resp_sense_len, 1);
++        }
++        if ((iop->sensep[0] & 0x7f) > 0x71)
++          pout("  status=0x%x: [desc] sense_key=0x%x asc=0x%x ascq=0x%x\n",
++               iop->scsi_status, iop->sensep[1] & 0xf,
++               iop->sensep[2], iop->sensep[3]);
++        else
++          pout("  status=0x%x: sense_key=0x%x asc=0x%x ascq=0x%x\n",
++               iop->scsi_status, iop->sensep[2] & 0xf,
++               iop->sensep[12], iop->sensep[13]);
++      }
++    }
++    else if (scsi_debugmode)
++      pout("  status=0x%x\n", iop->scsi_status);
+   }
+-  iop->scsi_status = ccb->csio.scsi_status;
++  else if (scsi_debugmode)
++    pout("  status=0x%x\n", iop->scsi_status);
+   cam_freeccb(ccb);
+-  if (report > 0) {
+-    int trunc;
+-    pout("  status=0\n");
+-    trunc = (iop->dxfer_len > 256) ? 1 : 0;
+-    pout("  Incoming data, len=%d%s:\n", (int)iop->dxfer_len,
+-      (trunc ? " [only first 256 bytes shown]" : ""));
+-    dStrHex(iop->dxferp, (trunc ? 256 : iop->dxfer_len) , 1);
+-  }
+   // mfip replacing PDT of the device so response does not make a sense
+   // this sets PDT to 00h - direct-access block device
+   if((!strcmp("mfi", m_camdev->sim_name) || !strcmp("mpt", m_camdev->sim_name))
+    && iop->cmnd[0] == INQUIRY) {
+-     if (report > 0) {
+-        pout("device on %s controller, patching PDT\n", m_camdev->sim_name);
++     if (scsi_debugmode) {
++        pout("  device on %s controller, patching PDT\n", m_camdev->sim_name);
+      }
+      iop->dxferp[0] = iop->dxferp[0] & 0xe0;
+@@ -1077,7 +1112,7 @@
+ // Areca RAID Controller(SATA Disk)
+ freebsd_areca_ata_device::freebsd_areca_ata_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name, int disknum, int encnum)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "areca", "areca"),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("ATA")
++  freebsd_smart_device()
+ {
+   set_disknum(disknum);
+   set_encnum(encnum);
+@@ -1146,7 +1181,7 @@
+ // Areca RAID Controller(SAS Device)
+ freebsd_areca_scsi_device::freebsd_areca_scsi_device(smart_interface * intf, const char * dev_name, int disknum, int encnum)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "areca", "areca"),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("SCSI")
++  freebsd_smart_device()
+ {
+   set_disknum(disknum);
+   set_encnum(encnum);
+@@ -1220,7 +1255,7 @@
+ freebsd_cciss_device::freebsd_cciss_device(smart_interface * intf,
+   const char * dev_name, unsigned char disknum)
+ : smart_device(intf, dev_name, "cciss", "cciss"),
+-  freebsd_smart_device("SCSI"),
++  freebsd_smart_device(),
+   m_disknum(disknum)
+ {
+   set_info().info_name = strprintf("%s [cciss_disk_%02d]", dev_name, disknum);

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