[ GSoC ' 20 weekly update ] Capsicumization of the base system

Shubh Gupta shubh at freebsd.org
Wed May 27 09:17:45 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,

This project aims at capsicumizing some of the base system applications.

In the past week, I made the following progress:
* Setup FreeBSD on a VirtualBox environment, and be able to ssh into the VM
from a Linux host.
* Setup an NFS server on the FreeBSD guest and be able to access the shared
directories on the Linux host.
* Also wrote a blog about setting up an NFS server on a FreeBSD machine.
The blog can be found at http://shubhgupta.live/.
* I also built the kernel and world for *FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT (GENERIC) #0
aeeda19f692-c268696(master)* to have the latest code, on which I can work.

What I am working on now:
* Capsicumizing traceroute6
* Capsicumizing fsck_ffs

Project description:
The project source can be found at:

Shubh Gupta

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