mtree weekly status report, week 2

Michal Ratajsky michal.ratajsky at
Thu Jun 11 13:42:14 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

during the last week I worked on reading spec files and directory 
structures in libmtree. The work took me few days longer than 
anticipated, mainly due to lack of time at the end of previous week. I 
still have some unsolved issues with organizing the entries that I 
intend to solve while I'm implementing writing.

So my goal for the rest of this week and at least a part of the next one 
is mainly to add support for writing spec files. This includes some 
brainstorming to come up with a reasonable API to configure the writing 
and deal with some special cases, such as converting between mtree 
1.0/2.0 formats when required or dealing with having multiple directory 
trees in a single spec. I expect I'll keep going back to the reader as 
well and I intend to test the code against the existing mtree 
implementations to make sure it works correctly before I move any further.

Thank you,


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