Status report: ng_ayiya - an AYIYA Netgraph node

Peter Pentchev roam at
Mon Aug 3 13:26:27 UTC 2015

Hi all,

The goal of this project is to create a Netgraph node that acts as a link
between a socket (TCP, UDP, SCTP, ...) connection to an AYIYA server
(for a start, the SixXS POPs) and a local network interface (for a start,
one that can route IPv6 traffic).


I am now very close to completing the stated goals of the project -
the SixXS AICCU tool now has initial support for using the ng_ayiya
Netgraph node for setting up tunnels and passing actual IPv6 traffic
through them.  Here's what has happened since my last report:

- finished up and prepared for release the Net-SixXS Perl interface to
  the SixXS Tunnel Information and Control protocol that is used to
  negotiate the IPv6-over-IPv4 AYIYA tunnels

- created initial versions of several FreeBSD ports:
  - ng_ayiya (the GSoC project itself)
  - Net-SixXS
  - MooseX-Role-JSONObject (another Perl module that I decided to finish
    up and release since it came in useful for this project)
  - Method-Signatures (a third-party Perl module)

- imported into the GSoC Subversion repo the FreeBSD port of AICCU,
  the tool used to set up the AYIYA tunnels

- developed an initial version of a patch for the AICCU port to use
  the ng_ayiya Netgraph node (the final goal of the GSoC project);
  there is still work to do, but the tunnels are being brought up and
  IPv6 traffic passes through them


Peter Pentchev  roam at roam at
PGP key:
Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115  C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13
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