evdev status report #2

Jakub Klama jakub.klama at uj.edu.pl
Tue Jun 3 20:13:33 UTC 2014

 This is status report #2 for GSoC project named "Implementation of 
 protocol and touchscreens support".

 Work done in second week:
 * Added support for absolute axes and EVIOCGABS/EVIOCSABS ioctls
 * Created utouch(4) driver for USB HID touchscreens like one
   emulated by QEMU (and tested on QEMU so far)

 Archievements unlocked:
 * Read evdev events stream from utouch(4) using python-evdev

 Work to do in near future:
 * Run xorg with QEMU emulated touchscreen ('-usbdevice tablet')
 * Clean utouch(4) code
 * Run libevdev
 * Implement rest of ioctls


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