[status report] RPS/RFS #week8 & week9

Kazuya Goda gockzy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 10:59:23 UTC 2011


The project goal is to implement RPS/RFS on FreeBSD. RPS solves the
problem of mono-queue NIC which can't distribute packets across
multiple processors. RFS is the extension of RPS, which deliver
packets to the CPU where application running.

I'm really sorry that I have not send status report.Last week, my
computer was broken and I got stuck at recovery. So I couldn't send
status report.

This week, I set up development environment to other machine. Kernel
whit SOFT_RSS was ran on this machine, the kernel was crashed.
Probably this problem is caused by "lock" but I don't fix.

Recently, I couldn't work so I'd like to work intensively next week.

Next week plan:
* fix problem
* enable changeing net.isr.threadnum
* benchmark

--Kazuya Goda

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