Native kernel APIs for SEND - status 3 and 4

Ana Kukec anchie at
Wed Jul 1 07:35:39 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on the implementation 
of the output hook for SEND, i.e. sending ND packets to userspace - 
sendd (depicted as case 1) and 2) on the following url: Tasks that i have finished include:

- differentiation of outgoing ND NS/NA/Redirect packets and incoming 
SEND NS/NA/Redirect packets before passing them to the output hook, 
based on mbuf tags.
- testing of the kernel code (output NS/NA/Redirect packets with 
prepended IF_ANNOUNCE header on the routing socket): 'route monitor', 

- new function in the userspace (send_0.2/sendd) for receiving ND/SEND 
packets with prepended RTM header.
- new function in the userspace (send_0.2/sendd) for handling 
per-interface packet information.

- investigation on how to implement output hook for RS/RA messages, 
which are handled by rtadvd(8) and rtsol(8).


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