PERFORCE change 141546 for review

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Tue May 13 12:10:19 UTC 2008

Change 141546 by gabor at gabor_server on 2008/05/13 12:09:42

	- Translate some paragraphs

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_es/src/release/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml#4 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_es/src/release/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml#4 (text+ko) ====

@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
+<!-- The FreeBSD Spanish Documentation Project
+     Original Revision: r1.40			-->
-    <title>&os; &release.current; README</title>
+    <title>&os; &release.current; LEEME</title>
     <corpauthor>The &os; Project</corpauthor>
-    <pubdate>$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml,v 1.40 2007/08/18 17:11:14 bmah Exp $</pubdate>
+    <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
@@ -25,6 +28,7 @@
       <holder role="mailto:doc at">The &os; Documentation Project</holder>
+      <holder role="mailto:doc at">The &os; Spanish Documentation Project</holder>
     <legalnotice id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
@@ -37,55 +41,56 @@
-    <para>Este documento es una breve introducci&oacute;n a &os;
-    <para>This document gives a brief introduction to &os;
-      &release.current;.  Incluye informaci&oacute;n sobre c&oacute;mo
-      conseguir &os;, una lista de maneras de contactar con el Proyecto
-      &os; y se citan otras fuentes de informaci&oacute;n.</para>
+    <para>Este documento es una breve introducci&oacute;n a
+      &os;&nbsp;&release.current;.  Incluye informaci&oacute;n sobre
+      c&oacute;mo conseguir &os;, una lista de maneras de contactar con el
+      Proyecto&nbsp;&os; y se citan otras fuentes de informaci&oacute;n.</para>
   <sect1 id="intro">
-    <title>Introduction</title>
+    <title>Introducci&oacute;n</title>
-    <para>This distribution is a &release.type; of &os; &release.current;, the
-      latest point along the &release.branch; branch.</para>
+    <para>Esta distribuci&oacute;n es una &release.type; de
+      &os;&nbsp;&release.current;, el estado &uacute;ltimo de
+      la bifurcaci&oacute;n &release.branch;.</para>
-      <title>About &os;</title>
+      <title>Sobre &os;</title>
-      <para>&os; is an operating system based on 4.4 BSD Lite for
-	AMD64 and Intel EM64T based PC hardware (&arch.amd64;),
-	Intel, AMD, Cyrix or NexGen <quote>x86</quote> based PC hardware (&arch.i386;),
-	Intel Itanium Processor based computers (&arch.ia64;),
-	NEC PC-9801/9821 series PCs and compatibles (&arch.pc98;),
-	and &ultrasparc; machines (&arch.sparc64;).  Versions
-	for the &powerpc; (&arch.powerpc;), and &mips; (mips)
-	architectures are currently under
-	development as well.  &os; works with a wide variety of
-	peripherals and configurations and can be used for everything
-	from software development to games to Internet Service
-	Provision.</para>
+      <para>&os; es un sistema operativo basado en 4.4BSD&nbsp;Lite
+	para hardware de las arquitecturas AMD64 e Intel&eacute;EM64T
+	(&arch.amd64;),	la arquitectura <quote>x86</quote> de Intel,
+	AMD, Cyrix o NexGen (&arch.i386;), ordenadores con el procesador
+	Intel&nbsp;Itanium Processor (&arch.ia64;), ordenadores de la
+	serie NEC PC-9801/9821 y compatibles (&arch.pc98;) y la
+	arquitectura &ultrasparc; (&arch.sparc64;).  Versiones para
+	las arquitecturas &powerpc; (&arch.powerpc;) y &mips; (mips)
+	tambi&eacute;n est&aacute;n desarrollados.  &os; maneja
+	herramientas y configuraciones de diversos tipos y se puede
+	usar para todo, del desarrollo de software a ejecutar juegos
+	o servicios web.</para>
-      <para>This release of &os; contains everything you need to run
-	such a system, including full source code for the kernel and
-	all utilities in the base distribution.  With the source
-	distribution installed, you can literally recompile the entire
-	system from scratch with one command, making it ideal for
-	students, researchers, or users who simply want to see how it
-	all works.</para>
+      <para>Esta <quote>release</quote> de &os; tiene todo lo necesario
+	para ejecutar tal sistema, incluyendo el c&oacute;digo fuente
+	entero del n&uacute;cleo y de todos los utensilios en el sistema
+	base.  Con el c&oacute;digo fuente instalado, se puede recompilar
+	todo el sistema con un mando solo lo cual es ideal para estudiantes,
+	investigadores o incluso para usuarios quienes quiran saber
+	c&oacute;mo funciona todo esto.</para>
-      <para>A large collection of third-party ported software (the
-	<quote>Ports Collection</quote>) is also provided to make it
-	easy to obtain and install all your favorite traditional &unix;
-	utilities for &os;.  Each <quote>port</quote> consists of a
-	set of scripts to retrieve, configure, build, and install a
-	piece of software, with a single command.  Over &os.numports;
-	ports, from editors to programming languages to graphical
-	applications, make &os; a powerful and comprehensive operating
-	environment that extends far beyond what's provided by many
-	commercial versions of &unix;.  Most ports are also available as
-	pre-compiled <quote>packages</quote>, which can be quickly
-	installed from the installation program.</para>
+      <para>Una gran colecci&oacute;n de software exterior (el
+	<quote>Ports&nbsp;Collection</quote>) tambi&eacute;n est&aacute;
+	disponible para que se puedan instalar los utensilios favoritos de
+	los usuarios para &os; f&aacute;cilmente.  Cada <quote>port</quote>
+	se construye de unos cuantos <quote>scripts</quote> para
+	descargar, ajustar, compilar e instalar un software con un
+	mando solo.  M&aacute;s de &os.numports;, de editores a lenguas
+	de programaci&oacute;n y programas gr&aacute;ficos hacen &os;
+	un entorno operativo muy fuerte y extenso que se pasa lo que
+	ofrecen muchas versiones comerciales de &unix;.  Muchos de los
+	ports est&aacute;n disponibles como <quote>packages</quote>
+	precompilados que pueden instalarse r&aacute;pido del
+	instalador.</para>

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