PERFORCE change 95165 for review

Warner Losh imp at
Thu Apr 13 16:55:02 UTC 2006

Change 95165 by imp at imp_hammer on 2006/04/13 16:54:08

	#define FOO ((unsigned int) 1234)
	is bogus, since FOO can't be used in #if statements.  It is
	also needlessly verbose.  Use
	#define FOO 1234u
	instead which is likely what was wanted in the first place.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/arm/src/sys/boot/arm/at91/inc/AT91RM9200.h#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/arm/src/sys/boot/arm/at91/inc/AT91RM9200.h#2 (text) ====

@@ -321,50 +321,50 @@
 } AT91S_MC, *AT91PS_MC;
 // -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MC_RCB          ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MC) Remap Command Bit
+#define AT91C_MC_RCB          (0x1u <<  0) // (MC) Remap Command Bit
 // -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MC_UNDADD       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MISADD       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_MPU          ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (MC) Memory protection Unit Abort Status
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ        ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (MC) Abort Size Status
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) // (MC) Byte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD                ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (MC) Half-word
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD                 ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) // (MC) Word
-#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 10) // (MC) Abort Type Status
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR                ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 10) // (MC) Data Read
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW                ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (MC) Data Write
-#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH                ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 10) // (MC) Code Fetch
-#define AT91C_MC_MST0         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_MST1         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST0       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
-#define AT91C_MC_SVMST1       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 25) // (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
+#define AT91C_MC_UNDADD       (0x1u <<  0) // (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
+#define AT91C_MC_MISADD       (0x1u <<  1) // (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
+#define AT91C_MC_MPU          (0x1u <<  2) // (MC) Memory protection Unit Abort Status
+#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ        (0x3u <<  8) // (MC) Abort Size Status
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE                 (0x0u <<  8) // (MC) Byte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD                (0x1u <<  8) // (MC) Half-word
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD                 (0x2u <<  8) // (MC) Word
+#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP       (0x3u << 10) // (MC) Abort Type Status
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR                (0x0u << 10) // (MC) Data Read
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW                (0x1u << 10) // (MC) Data Write
+#define 	AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH                (0x2u << 10) // (MC) Code Fetch
+#define AT91C_MC_MST0         (0x1u << 16) // (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
+#define AT91C_MC_MST1         (0x1u << 17) // (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
+#define AT91C_MC_SVMST0       (0x1u << 24) // (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
+#define AT91C_MC_SVMST1       (0x1u << 25) // (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
 // -------- MC_PUIA : (MC Offset: 0x10) MC Protection Unit Area -------- 
-#define AT91C_MC_PROT         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  0) // (MC) Protection
-#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PNAUNA               ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (MC) Privilege: No Access, User: No Access
-#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWUNA               ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: No Access
-#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURO               ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read Only
-#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURW               ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read/Write
-#define AT91C_MC_SIZE         ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  4) // (MC) Internal Area Size
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_1KB                  ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 1KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_2KB                  ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 2KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_4KB                  ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 4KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_8KB                  ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 8KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_16KB                 ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 16KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_32KB                 ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 32KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_64KB                 ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 64KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_128KB                ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 128KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_256KB                ((unsigned int) 0x8 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 256KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_512KB                ((unsigned int) 0x9 <<  4) // (MC) Area size 512KByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_1MB                  ((unsigned int) 0xA <<  4) // (MC) Area size 1MByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_2MB                  ((unsigned int) 0xB <<  4) // (MC) Area size 2MByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_4MB                  ((unsigned int) 0xC <<  4) // (MC) Area size 4MByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_8MB                  ((unsigned int) 0xD <<  4) // (MC) Area size 8MByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_16MB                 ((unsigned int) 0xE <<  4) // (MC) Area size 16MByte
-#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_64MB                 ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  4) // (MC) Area size 64MByte
-#define AT91C_MC_BA           ((unsigned int) 0x3FFFF << 10) // (MC) Internal Area Base Address
+#define AT91C_MC_PROT         (0x3u <<  0) // (MC) Protection
+#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PNAUNA               0x0u // (MC) Privilege: No Access, User: No Access
+#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWUNA               0x1u // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: No Access
+#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURO               0x2u // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read Only
+#define 	AT91C_MC_PROT_PRWURW               0x3u // (MC) Privilege: Read/Write, User: Read/Write
+#define AT91C_MC_SIZE         (0xFu <<  4) // (MC) Internal Area Size
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_1KB                  (0x0u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 1KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_2KB                  (0x1u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 2KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_4KB                  (0x2u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 4KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_8KB                  (0x3u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 8KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_16KB                 (0x4u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 16KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_32KB                 (0x5u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 32KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_64KB                 (0x6u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 64KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_128KB                (0x7u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 128KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_256KB                (0x8u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 256KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_512KB                (0x9u <<  4) // (MC) Area size 512KByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_1MB                  (0xAu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 1MByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_2MB                  (0xBu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 2MByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_4MB                  (0xCu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 4MByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_8MB                  (0xDu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 8MByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_16MB                 (0xEu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 16MByte
+#define 	AT91C_MC_SIZE_64MB                 (0xFu <<  4) // (MC) Area size 64MByte
+#define AT91C_MC_BA           (0x3FFFFu << 10) // (MC) Internal Area Base Address
 // -------- MC_PUP : (MC Offset: 0x50) MC Protection Unit Peripheral -------- 
 // -------- MC_PUER : (MC Offset: 0x54) MC Protection Unit Area -------- 
-#define AT91C_MC_PUEB         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MC) Protection Unit enable Bit
+#define AT91C_MC_PUEB         (0x1u <<  0) // (MC) Protection Unit enable Bit
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Real-time Clock Alarm and Parallel Load Interface
@@ -385,52 +385,52 @@
 } AT91S_RTC, *AT91PS_RTC;
 // -------- RTC_CR : (RTC Offset: 0x0) RTC Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDTIM      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (RTC) Update Request Time Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_UPDCAL      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (RTC) Update Request Calendar Register
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL    ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (RTC) Time Event Selection
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE               ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) // (RTC) Minute change.
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_HOUR                 ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (RTC) Hour change.
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY24                ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) // (RTC) Every day at midnight.
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY12                ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (RTC) Every day at noon.
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL    ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 16) // (RTC) Calendar Event Selection
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_WEEK                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 16) // (RTC) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00).
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_MONTH                ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (RTC) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00).
-#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_YEAR                 ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 16) // (RTC) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00).
+#define AT91C_RTC_UPDTIM      (0x1u <<  0) // (RTC) Update Request Time Register
+#define AT91C_RTC_UPDCAL      (0x1u <<  1) // (RTC) Update Request Calendar Register
+#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL    (0x3u <<  8) // (RTC) Time Event Selection
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_MINUTE               (0x0u <<  8) // (RTC) Minute change.
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_HOUR                 (0x1u <<  8) // (RTC) Hour change.
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY24                (0x2u <<  8) // (RTC) Every day at midnight.
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_TIMEVSEL_DAY12                (0x3u <<  8) // (RTC) Every day at noon.
+#define AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL    (0x3u << 16) // (RTC) Calendar Event Selection
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_WEEK                 (0x0u << 16) // (RTC) Week change (every Monday at time 00:00:00).
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_MONTH                (0x1u << 16) // (RTC) Month change (every 01 of each month at time 00:00:00).
+#define 	AT91C_RTC_CALEVSEL_YEAR                 (0x2u << 16) // (RTC) Year change (every January 1 at time 00:00:00).
 // -------- RTC_MR : (RTC Offset: 0x4) RTC Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_HRMOD       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (RTC) 12-24 hour Mode
+#define AT91C_RTC_HRMOD       (0x1u <<  0) // (RTC) 12-24 hour Mode
 // -------- RTC_TIMR : (RTC Offset: 0x8) RTC Time Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_SEC         ((unsigned int) 0x7F <<  0) // (RTC) Current Second
-#define AT91C_RTC_MIN         ((unsigned int) 0x7F <<  8) // (RTC) Current Minute
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUR        ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Hour
-#define AT91C_RTC_AMPM        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (RTC) Ante Meridiem, Post Meridiem Indicator
+#define AT91C_RTC_SEC         (0x7Fu <<  0) // (RTC) Current Second
+#define AT91C_RTC_MIN         (0x7Fu <<  8) // (RTC) Current Minute
+#define AT91C_RTC_HOUR        (0x1Fu << 16) // (RTC) Current Hour
+#define AT91C_RTC_AMPM        (0x1u << 22) // (RTC) Ante Meridiem, Post Meridiem Indicator
 // -------- RTC_CALR : (RTC Offset: 0xc) RTC Calendar Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_CENT        ((unsigned int) 0x3F <<  0) // (RTC) Current Century
-#define AT91C_RTC_YEAR        ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  8) // (RTC) Current Year
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTH       ((unsigned int) 0x1F << 16) // (RTC) Current Month
-#define AT91C_RTC_DAY         ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 21) // (RTC) Current Day
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATE        ((unsigned int) 0x3F << 24) // (RTC) Current Date
+#define AT91C_RTC_CENT        (0x3Fu <<  0) // (RTC) Current Century
+#define AT91C_RTC_YEAR        (0xFFu <<  8) // (RTC) Current Year
+#define AT91C_RTC_MONTH       (0x1Fu << 16) // (RTC) Current Month
+#define AT91C_RTC_DAY         (0x7u << 21) // (RTC) Current Day
+#define AT91C_RTC_DATE        (0x3Fu << 24) // (RTC) Current Date
 // -------- RTC_TIMALR : (RTC Offset: 0x10) RTC Time Alarm Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (RTC) Second Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_MINEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (RTC) Minute Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_HOUREN      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Current Hour
+#define AT91C_RTC_SECEN       (0x1u <<  7) // (RTC) Second Alarm Enable
+#define AT91C_RTC_MINEN       (0x1u << 15) // (RTC) Minute Alarm
+#define AT91C_RTC_HOUREN      (0x1u << 23) // (RTC) Current Hour
 // -------- RTC_CALALR : (RTC Offset: 0x14) RTC Calendar Alarm Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_MONTHEN     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (RTC) Month Alarm Enable
-#define AT91C_RTC_DATEEN      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (RTC) Date Alarm Enable
+#define AT91C_RTC_MONTHEN     (0x1u << 23) // (RTC) Month Alarm Enable
+#define AT91C_RTC_DATEEN      (0x1u << 31) // (RTC) Date Alarm Enable
 // -------- RTC_SR : (RTC Offset: 0x18) RTC Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_ACKUPD      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (RTC) Acknowledge for Update
-#define AT91C_RTC_ALARM       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (RTC) Alarm Flag
-#define AT91C_RTC_SECEV       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (RTC) Second Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEV       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (RTC) Time Event
-#define AT91C_RTC_CALEV       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (RTC) Calendar event
+#define AT91C_RTC_ACKUPD      (0x1u <<  0) // (RTC) Acknowledge for Update
+#define AT91C_RTC_ALARM       (0x1u <<  1) // (RTC) Alarm Flag
+#define AT91C_RTC_SECEV       (0x1u <<  2) // (RTC) Second Event
+#define AT91C_RTC_TIMEV       (0x1u <<  3) // (RTC) Time Event
+#define AT91C_RTC_CALEV       (0x1u <<  4) // (RTC) Calendar event
 // -------- RTC_SCCR : (RTC Offset: 0x1c) RTC Status Clear Command Register -------- 
 // -------- RTC_IER : (RTC Offset: 0x20) RTC Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
 // -------- RTC_IDR : (RTC Offset: 0x24) RTC Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- RTC_IMR : (RTC Offset: 0x28) RTC Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
 // -------- RTC_VER : (RTC Offset: 0x2c) RTC Valid Entry Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIM       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (RTC) Non valid Time
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCAL       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (RTC) Non valid Calendar
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIMALR    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (RTC) Non valid time Alarm
-#define AT91C_RTC_NVCALALR    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (RTC) Nonvalid Calendar Alarm
+#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIM       (0x1u <<  0) // (RTC) Non valid Time
+#define AT91C_RTC_NVCAL       (0x1u <<  1) // (RTC) Non valid Calendar
+#define AT91C_RTC_NVTIMALR    (0x1u <<  2) // (RTC) Non valid time Alarm
+#define AT91C_RTC_NVCALALR    (0x1u <<  3) // (RTC) Nonvalid Calendar Alarm
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR System Timer Interface
@@ -449,27 +449,27 @@
 } AT91S_ST, *AT91PS_ST;
 // -------- ST_CR : (ST Offset: 0x0) System Timer Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_WDRST        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
+#define AT91C_ST_WDRST        (0x1u <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
 // -------- ST_PIMR : (ST Offset: 0x4) System Timer Period Interval Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_PIV          ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
+#define AT91C_ST_PIV          (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
 // -------- ST_WDMR : (ST Offset: 0x8) System Timer Watchdog Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_WDV          ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
-#define AT91C_ST_RSTEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (ST) Reset Enable
-#define AT91C_ST_EXTEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (ST) External Signal Assertion Enable
+#define AT91C_ST_WDV          (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (ST) Watchdog Timer Restart
+#define AT91C_ST_RSTEN        (0x1u << 16) // (ST) Reset Enable
+#define AT91C_ST_EXTEN        (0x1u << 17) // (ST) External Signal Assertion Enable
 // -------- ST_RTMR : (ST Offset: 0xc) System Timer Real-time Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_RTPRES       ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (ST) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
+#define AT91C_ST_RTPRES       (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (ST) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
 // -------- ST_SR : (ST Offset: 0x10) System Timer Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_PITS         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (ST) Period Interval Timer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_ST_WDOVF        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (ST) Watchdog Overflow
-#define AT91C_ST_RTTINC       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (ST) Real-time Timer Increment
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMS         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (ST) Alarm Status
+#define AT91C_ST_PITS         (0x1u <<  0) // (ST) Period Interval Timer Interrupt
+#define AT91C_ST_WDOVF        (0x1u <<  1) // (ST) Watchdog Overflow
+#define AT91C_ST_RTTINC       (0x1u <<  2) // (ST) Real-time Timer Increment
+#define AT91C_ST_ALMS         (0x1u <<  3) // (ST) Alarm Status
 // -------- ST_IER : (ST Offset: 0x14) System Timer Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
 // -------- ST_IDR : (ST Offset: 0x18) System Timer Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- ST_IMR : (ST Offset: 0x1c) System Timer Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
 // -------- ST_RTAR : (ST Offset: 0x20) System Timer Real-time Alarm Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_ALMV         ((unsigned int) 0xFFFFF <<  0) // (ST) Alarm Value Value
+#define AT91C_ST_ALMV         (0xFFFFFu <<  0) // (ST) Alarm Value Value
 // -------- ST_CRTR : (ST Offset: 0x24) System Timer Current Real-time Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_ST_CRTV         ((unsigned int) 0xFFFFF <<  0) // (ST) Current Real-time Value
+#define AT91C_ST_CRTV         (0xFFFFFu <<  0) // (ST) Current Real-time Value
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Power Management Controler
@@ -493,53 +493,53 @@
 } AT91S_PMC, *AT91PS_PMC;
 // -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (PMC) Processor Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_UDP         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend
-#define AT91C_PMC_UHP         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (PMC) USB Host Port Clock
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK         (0x1u <<  0) // (PMC) Processor Clock
+#define AT91C_PMC_UDP         (0x1u <<  1) // (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
+#define AT91C_PMC_MCKUDP      (0x1u <<  2) // (PMC) USB Device Port Master Clock Automatic Disable on Suspend
+#define AT91C_PMC_UHP         (0x1u <<  4) // (PMC) USB Host Port Clock
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0        (0x1u <<  8) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1        (0x1u <<  9) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2        (0x1u << 10) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3        (0x1u << 11) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4        (0x1u << 12) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5        (0x1u << 13) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6        (0x1u << 14) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7        (0x1u << 15) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
 // -------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register -------- 
 // -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_PMC_CSS         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  0) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (PMC) Main Clock is selected
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK             ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected
-#define AT91C_PMC_PRES        ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  2) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK                  ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2                ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4                ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8                ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16               ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32               ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64               ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
-#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV        ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (PMC) Master Clock Division
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) // (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock
-#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock
+#define AT91C_PMC_CSS         (0x3u <<  0) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK             0x0u // (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK             0x1u // (PMC) Main Clock is selected
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLA_CLK             0x2u // (PMC) Clock from PLL A is selected
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLLB_CLK             0x3u // (PMC) Clock from PLL B is selected
+#define AT91C_PMC_PRES        (0x7u <<  2) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK                  (0x0u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2                (0x1u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4                (0x2u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8                (0x3u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16               (0x4u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32               (0x5u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64               (0x6u <<  2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
+#define AT91C_PMC_MDIV        (0x3u <<  8) // (PMC) Master Clock Division
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_1                    (0x0u <<  8) // (PMC) The master clock and the processor clock are the same
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_2                    (0x1u <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is twice as fast as the master clock
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_3                    (0x2u <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is three times faster than the master clock
+#define 	AT91C_PMC_MDIV_4                    (0x3u <<  8) // (PMC) The processor clock is four times faster than the master clock
 // -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register -------- 
 // -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKB       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
-#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS       (0x1u <<  0) // (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKA       (0x1u <<  1) // (PMC) PLL A Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_LOCKB       (0x1u <<  2) // (PMC) PLL B Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY      (0x1u <<  3) // (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY     (0x1u <<  8) // (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY     (0x1u <<  9) // (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY     (0x1u << 10) // (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK3RDY     (0x1u << 11) // (PMC) PCK3_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK4RDY     (0x1u << 12) // (PMC) PCK4_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK5RDY     (0x1u << 13) // (PMC) PCK5_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK6RDY     (0x1u << 14) // (PMC) PCK6_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
+#define AT91C_PMC_PCK7RDY     (0x1u << 15) // (PMC) PCK7_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
 // -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register -------- 
 // -------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
@@ -555,37 +555,37 @@
 // -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (CKGR) Oscillator Test
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT    ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  8) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN     (0x1u <<  0) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCTEST    (0x1u <<  1) // (CKGR) Oscillator Test
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT    (0xFFu <<  8) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
 // -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF      ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF      (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY    (0x1u << 16) // (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
 // -------- CKGR_PLLAR : (CKGR Offset: 0x8) PLL A Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS               ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLACOUNT  ((unsigned int) 0x3F <<  8) // (CKGR) PLL A Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULA       ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_SRCA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL A Source
+#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVA       (0xFFu <<  0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_0                    0x0u // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVA_BYPASS               0x1u // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
+#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLACOUNT  (0x3Fu <<  8) // (CKGR) PLL A Counter
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTA       (0x3u << 14) // (CKGR) PLL A Output Frequency Range
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_0                    (0x0u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_1                    (0x1u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_2                    (0x2u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTA_3                    (0x3u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLA datasheet
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MULA       (0x7FFu << 16) // (CKGR) PLL A Multiplier
+#define AT91C_CKGR_SRCA       (0x1u << 29) // (CKGR) PLL A Source
 // -------- CKGR_PLLBR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS               ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
-#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBCOUNT  ((unsigned int) 0x3F <<  8) // (CKGR) PLL B Counter
-#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2                    ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3                    ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
-#define AT91C_CKGR_MULB       ((unsigned int) 0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports
-#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 29) // (CKGR) PLL Use
+#define AT91C_CKGR_DIVB       (0xFFu <<  0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_0                    0x0u // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_DIVB_BYPASS               0x1u // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
+#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLBCOUNT  (0x3Fu <<  8) // (CKGR) PLL B Counter
+#define AT91C_CKGR_OUTB       (0x3u << 14) // (CKGR) PLL B Output Frequency Range
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_0                    (0x0u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_1                    (0x1u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_2                    (0x2u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
+#define 	AT91C_CKGR_OUTB_3                    (0x3u << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLLB datasheet
+#define AT91C_CKGR_MULB       (0x7FFu << 16) // (CKGR) PLL B Multiplier
+#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_96M    (0x1u << 28) // (CKGR) Divider for USB Ports
+#define AT91C_CKGR_USB_PLL    (0x1u << 29) // (CKGR) PLL Use
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Parallel Input Output Controler
@@ -660,43 +660,43 @@
 // -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_RSTRX        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (DBGU) Reset Receiver
-#define AT91C_US_RSTTX        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
-#define AT91C_US_RXEN         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (DBGU) Receiver Enable
-#define AT91C_US_RXDIS        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (DBGU) Receiver Disable
-#define AT91C_US_TXEN         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
-#define AT91C_US_TXDIS        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
+#define AT91C_US_RSTRX        (0x1u <<  2) // (DBGU) Reset Receiver
+#define AT91C_US_RSTTX        (0x1u <<  3) // (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
+#define AT91C_US_RXEN         (0x1u <<  4) // (DBGU) Receiver Enable
+#define AT91C_US_RXDIS        (0x1u <<  5) // (DBGU) Receiver Disable
+#define AT91C_US_TXEN         (0x1u <<  6) // (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
+#define AT91C_US_TXDIS        (0x1u <<  7) // (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
 // -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_PAR          ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity type
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  9) // (DBGU) Even Parity
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_ODD                  ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (DBGU) Odd Parity
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE                ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_MARK                 ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_NONE                 ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  9) // (DBGU) No Parity
-#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP           ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  9) // (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
-#define AT91C_US_CHMODE       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Channel Mode
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL               ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 14) // (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO                 ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL                ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 14) // (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE               ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
+#define AT91C_US_PAR          (0x7u <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity type
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN                 (0x0u <<  9) // (DBGU) Even Parity
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_ODD                  (0x1u <<  9) // (DBGU) Odd Parity
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE                (0x2u <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_MARK                 (0x3u <<  9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_NONE                 (0x4u <<  9) // (DBGU) No Parity
+#define 	AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP           (0x6u <<  9) // (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
+#define AT91C_US_CHMODE       (0x3u << 14) // (DBGU) Channel Mode
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL               (0x0u << 14) // (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO                 (0x1u << 14) // (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL                (0x2u << 14) // (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE               (0x3u << 14) // (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
 // -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_RXRDY        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXRDY        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDRX        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_ENDTX        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_OVRE         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_FRAME        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_PARE         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXEMPTY      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_TXBUFE       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_RXBUFF       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_TX      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 30) // (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
-#define AT91C_US_COMM_RX      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 31) // (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_RXRDY        (0x1u <<  0) // (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_TXRDY        (0x1u <<  1) // (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_ENDRX        (0x1u <<  3) // (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_ENDTX        (0x1u <<  4) // (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_OVRE         (0x1u <<  5) // (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_FRAME        (0x1u <<  6) // (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_PARE         (0x1u <<  7) // (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_TXEMPTY      (0x1u <<  9) // (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_TXBUFE       (0x1u << 11) // (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_RXBUFF       (0x1u << 12) // (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_COMM_TX      (0x1u << 30) // (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
+#define AT91C_US_COMM_RX      (0x1u << 31) // (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
 // -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
 // -------- DBGU_CSR : (DBGU Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register -------- 
 // -------- DBGU_FNTR : (DBGU Offset: 0x48) Debug Unit FORCE_NTRST Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_FORCE_NTRST  ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (DBGU) Force NTRST in JTAG
+#define AT91C_US_FORCE_NTRST  (0x1u <<  0) // (DBGU) Force NTRST in JTAG
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Peripheral Data Controller
@@ -715,10 +715,10 @@
 } AT91S_PDC, *AT91PS_PDC;
 // -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
-#define AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
+#define AT91C_PDC_RXTEN       (0x1u <<  0) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
+#define AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS      (0x1u <<  1) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
+#define AT91C_PDC_TXTEN       (0x1u <<  8) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
+#define AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS      (0x1u <<  9) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
 // -------- PDC_PTSR : (PDC Offset: 0x24) PDC Transfer Status Register -------- 
 // *****************************************************************************
@@ -748,20 +748,20 @@
 } AT91S_AIC, *AT91PS_AIC;
 // -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR       ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  0) // (AIC) Priority Level
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST               ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (AIC) Lowest priority level
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST              ((unsigned int) 0x7) // (AIC) Highest priority level
-#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE     ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  5) // (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE  ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Level Sensitive
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_EDGE_TRIGGERED   ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Edge triggered
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_HIGH_LEVEL       ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
-#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_POSITIVE_EDGE    ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
+#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR       (0x7u <<  0) // (AIC) Priority Level
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST               0x0u // (AIC) Lowest priority level
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST              0x7u // (AIC) Highest priority level
+#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE     (0x3u <<  5) // (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE  (0x0u <<  5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Level Sensitive
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_EDGE_TRIGGERED   (0x1u <<  5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Edge triggered
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_HIGH_LEVEL       (0x2u <<  5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
+#define 	AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_POSITIVE_EDGE    (0x3u <<  5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
 // -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_AIC_NFIQ        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (AIC) NFIQ Status
-#define AT91C_AIC_NIRQ        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (AIC) NIRQ Status
+#define AT91C_AIC_NFIQ        (0x1u <<  0) // (AIC) NFIQ Status
+#define AT91C_AIC_NIRQ        (0x1u <<  1) // (AIC) NIRQ Status
 // -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) -------- 
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (AIC) Protection Mode
-#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (AIC) General Mask
+#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT    (0x1u <<  0) // (AIC) Protection Mode
+#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK    (0x1u <<  1) // (AIC) General Mask
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Serial Parallel Interface
@@ -791,55 +791,55 @@
 } AT91S_SPI, *AT91PS_SPI;
 // -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SPI) SPI Enable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SPI) SPI Disable
-#define AT91C_SPI_SWRST       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (SPI) SPI Software reset
+#define AT91C_SPI_SPIEN       (0x1u <<  0) // (SPI) SPI Enable
+#define AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS      (0x1u <<  1) // (SPI) SPI Disable
+#define AT91C_SPI_SWRST       (0x1u <<  7) // (SPI) SPI Software reset
 // -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_MSTR        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
-#define AT91C_SPI_PS          ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SPI) Peripheral Select
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED                ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  1) // (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE             ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (SPI) Chip Select Decode
-#define AT91C_SPI_DIV32       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
-#define AT91C_SPI_LLB         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (SPI) Clock Selection
-#define AT91C_SPI_PCS         ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS      ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
+#define AT91C_SPI_MSTR        (0x1u <<  0) // (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
+#define AT91C_SPI_PS          (0x1u <<  1) // (SPI) Peripheral Select
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED                (0x0u <<  1) // (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE             (0x1u <<  1) // (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
+#define AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC      (0x1u <<  2) // (SPI) Chip Select Decode
+#define AT91C_SPI_DIV32       (0x1u <<  3) // (SPI) Clock Selection
+#define AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS     (0x1u <<  4) // (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
+#define AT91C_SPI_LLB         (0x1u <<  7) // (SPI) Clock Selection
+#define AT91C_SPI_PCS         (0xFu << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
+#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS      (0xFFu << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
 // -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_RD          ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (SPI) Receive Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_RPCS        ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
+#define AT91C_SPI_RD          (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (SPI) Receive Data
+#define AT91C_SPI_RPCS        (0xFu << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
 // -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_TD          ((unsigned int) 0xFFFF <<  0) // (SPI) Transmit Data
-#define AT91C_SPI_TPCS        ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
+#define AT91C_SPI_TD          (0xFFFFu <<  0) // (SPI) Transmit Data
+#define AT91C_SPI_TPCS        (0xFu << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
 // -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_RDRF        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
-#define AT91C_SPI_TDRE        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
-#define AT91C_SPI_MODF        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (SPI) Mode Fault Error
-#define AT91C_SPI_OVRES       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (SPI) Overrun Error Status
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDRX     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDTX     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
-#define AT91C_SPI_SPIENS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (SPI) Enable Status
+#define AT91C_SPI_RDRF        (0x1u <<  0) // (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
+#define AT91C_SPI_TDRE        (0x1u <<  1) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
+#define AT91C_SPI_MODF        (0x1u <<  2) // (SPI) Mode Fault Error
+#define AT91C_SPI_OVRES       (0x1u <<  3) // (SPI) Overrun Error Status
+#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDRX     (0x1u <<  4) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
+#define AT91C_SPI_SPENDTX     (0x1u <<  5) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
+#define AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF      (0x1u <<  6) // (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
+#define AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE      (0x1u <<  7) // (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
+#define AT91C_SPI_SPIENS      (0x1u << 16) // (SPI) Enable Status
 // -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
 // -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
 // -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SPI_CPOL        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SPI) Clock Polarity
-#define AT91C_SPI_NCPHA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SPI) Clock Phase
-#define AT91C_SPI_BITS        ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  4) // (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_8                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  4) // (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_9                    ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_10                   ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  4) // (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_11                   ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  4) // (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_12                   ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  4) // (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_13                   ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  4) // (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_14                   ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  4) // (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_15                   ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  4) // (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_16                   ((unsigned int) 0x8 <<  4) // (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
-#define AT91C_SPI_SCBR        ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  8) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBS       ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 16) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
-#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT      ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
+#define AT91C_SPI_CPOL        (0x1u <<  0) // (SPI) Clock Polarity
+#define AT91C_SPI_NCPHA       (0x1u <<  1) // (SPI) Clock Phase
+#define AT91C_SPI_BITS        (0xFu <<  4) // (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_8                    (0x0u <<  4) // (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_9                    (0x1u <<  4) // (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_10                   (0x2u <<  4) // (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_11                   (0x3u <<  4) // (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_12                   (0x4u <<  4) // (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_13                   (0x5u <<  4) // (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_14                   (0x6u <<  4) // (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_15                   (0x7u <<  4) // (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SPI_BITS_16                   (0x8u <<  4) // (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
+#define AT91C_SPI_SCBR        (0xFFu <<  8) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
+#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBS       (0xFFu << 16) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
+#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT      (0xFFu << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Synchronous Serial Controller Interface
@@ -877,72 +877,72 @@
 } AT91S_SSC, *AT91PS_SSC;
 // -------- SSC_CR : (SSC Offset: 0x0) SSC Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SSC) Receive Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SSC) Receive Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (SSC) Transmit Disable
-#define AT91C_SSC_SWRST       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Software Reset
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXEN        (0x1u <<  0) // (SSC) Receive Enable
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXDIS       (0x1u <<  1) // (SSC) Receive Disable
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXEN        (0x1u <<  8) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXDIS       (0x1u <<  9) // (SSC) Transmit Disable
+#define AT91C_SSC_SWRST       (0x1u << 15) // (SSC) Software Reset
 // -------- SSC_RCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x10) SSC Receive Clock Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKS         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  0) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV                  ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (SSC) Divided Clock
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK                   ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (SSC) TK Clock signal
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK                   ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (SSC) RK pin
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKO         ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS            ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX              ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKI         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
-#define AT91C_SSC_CKG         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating Selection
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_NONE                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating: None, continuous clock
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_LOW                  ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF Low
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_HIGH                 ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF High
-#define AT91C_SSC_START       ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  8) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS            ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) // (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_TX                   ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF               ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF              ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF              ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF              ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF             ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF              ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_0                    ((unsigned int) 0x8 <<  8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_STOP        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (SSC) Receive Stop Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTOUT      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Output Selection
-#define AT91C_SSC_STTDLY      ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
-#define AT91C_SSC_PERIOD      ((unsigned int) 0xFF << 24) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
+#define AT91C_SSC_CKS         (0x3u <<  0) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV                  0x0u // (SSC) Divided Clock
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK                   0x1u // (SSC) TK Clock signal
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK                   0x2u // (SSC) RK pin
+#define AT91C_SSC_CKO         (0x7u <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE                 (0x0u <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS            (0x1u <<  2) // (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX              (0x2u <<  2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
+#define AT91C_SSC_CKI         (0x1u <<  5) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
+#define AT91C_SSC_CKG         (0x3u <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating Selection
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_NONE                 (0x0u <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Gating: None, continuous clock
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_LOW                  (0x1u <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF Low
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_CKG_HIGH                 (0x2u <<  6) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock enabled only if RF High
+#define AT91C_SSC_START       (0xFu <<  8) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS            (0x0u <<  8) // (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_TX                   (0x1u <<  8) // (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF               (0x2u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF              (0x3u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF              (0x4u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF              (0x5u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF             (0x6u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF              (0x7u <<  8) // (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_START_0                    (0x8u <<  8) // (SSC) Compare 0
+#define AT91C_SSC_STOP        (0x1u << 12) // (SSC) Receive Stop Selection
+#define AT91C_SSC_STTOUT      (0x1u << 15) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Output Selection
+#define AT91C_SSC_STTDLY      (0xFFu << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
+#define AT91C_SSC_PERIOD      (0xFFu << 24) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
 // -------- SSC_RFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x14) SSC Receive Frame Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATLEN      ((unsigned int) 0x1F <<  0) // (SSC) Data Length
-#define AT91C_SSC_LOOP        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (SSC) Loop Mode
-#define AT91C_SSC_MSBF        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATNB       ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  8) // (SSC) Data Number per Frame
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSLEN       ((unsigned int) 0xF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS        ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 20) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE                 ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE             ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE             ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW                  ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH                 ((unsigned int) 0x4 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
-#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE               ((unsigned int) 0x5 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
+#define AT91C_SSC_DATLEN      (0x1Fu <<  0) // (SSC) Data Length
+#define AT91C_SSC_LOOP        (0x1u <<  5) // (SSC) Loop Mode
+#define AT91C_SSC_MSBF        (0x1u <<  7) // (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
+#define AT91C_SSC_DATNB       (0xFu <<  8) // (SSC) Data Number per Frame
+#define AT91C_SSC_FSLEN       (0xFu << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
+#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS        (0x7u << 20) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE                 (0x0u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE             (0x1u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE             (0x2u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW                  (0x3u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH                 (0x4u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
+#define 	AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE               (0x5u << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
+#define AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE      (0x1u << 24) // (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
 // -------- SSC_TCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x18) SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register -------- 
 // -------- SSC_TFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x1c) SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SSC_DATDEF      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (SSC) Data Default Value
-#define AT91C_SSC_FSDEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
+#define AT91C_SSC_DATDEF      (0x1u <<  5) // (SSC) Data Default Value
+#define AT91C_SSC_FSDEN       (0x1u << 23) // (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
 // -------- SSC_SR : (SSC Offset: 0x40) SSC Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXRDY       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (SSC) Transmit Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY     ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (SSC) Transmit Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDTX       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (SSC) End Of Transmission
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXRDY       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (SSC) Receive Ready
-#define AT91C_SSC_OVRUN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (SSC) Receive Overrun
-#define AT91C_SSC_ENDRX       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (SSC) End of Reception
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP0         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (SSC) Compare 0
-#define AT91C_SSC_CP1         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (SSC) Compare 1
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXSYN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (SSC) Transmit Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXSYN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (SSC) Receive Sync
-#define AT91C_SSC_TXENA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
-#define AT91C_SSC_RXENA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (SSC) Receive Enable
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXRDY       (0x1u <<  0) // (SSC) Transmit Ready
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY     (0x1u <<  1) // (SSC) Transmit Empty
+#define AT91C_SSC_ENDTX       (0x1u <<  2) // (SSC) End Of Transmission
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE      (0x1u <<  3) // (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXRDY       (0x1u <<  4) // (SSC) Receive Ready
+#define AT91C_SSC_OVRUN       (0x1u <<  5) // (SSC) Receive Overrun
+#define AT91C_SSC_ENDRX       (0x1u <<  6) // (SSC) End of Reception
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF      (0x1u <<  7) // (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
+#define AT91C_SSC_CP0         (0x1u <<  8) // (SSC) Compare 0
+#define AT91C_SSC_CP1         (0x1u <<  9) // (SSC) Compare 1
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXSYN       (0x1u << 10) // (SSC) Transmit Sync
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXSYN       (0x1u << 11) // (SSC) Receive Sync
+#define AT91C_SSC_TXENA       (0x1u << 16) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
+#define AT91C_SSC_RXENA       (0x1u << 17) // (SSC) Receive Enable
 // -------- SSC_IER : (SSC Offset: 0x44) SSC Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
 // -------- SSC_IDR : (SSC Offset: 0x48) SSC Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- SSC_IMR : (SSC Offset: 0x4c) SSC Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
@@ -981,67 +981,67 @@
 // -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_RSTSTA       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (USART) Reset Status Bits
-#define AT91C_US_STTBRK       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (USART) Start Break
-#define AT91C_US_STPBRK       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (USART) Stop Break
-#define AT91C_US_STTTO        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 11) // (USART) Start Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_SENDA        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (USART) Send Address
-#define AT91C_US_RSTIT        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (USART) Reset Iterations
-#define AT91C_US_RSTNACK      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RETTO        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (USART) Rearm Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_DTREN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
-#define AT91C_US_DTRDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Request to Send enable
-#define AT91C_US_RTSDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Request to Send Disable
+#define AT91C_US_RSTSTA       (0x1u <<  8) // (USART) Reset Status Bits
+#define AT91C_US_STTBRK       (0x1u <<  9) // (USART) Start Break
+#define AT91C_US_STPBRK       (0x1u << 10) // (USART) Stop Break
+#define AT91C_US_STTTO        (0x1u << 11) // (USART) Start Time-out
+#define AT91C_US_SENDA        (0x1u << 12) // (USART) Send Address
+#define AT91C_US_RSTIT        (0x1u << 13) // (USART) Reset Iterations
+#define AT91C_US_RSTNACK      (0x1u << 14) // (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
+#define AT91C_US_RETTO        (0x1u << 15) // (USART) Rearm Time-out
+#define AT91C_US_DTREN        (0x1u << 16) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
+#define AT91C_US_DTRDIS       (0x1u << 17) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
+#define AT91C_US_RTSEN        (0x1u << 18) // (USART) Request to Send enable
+#define AT91C_US_RTSDIS       (0x1u << 19) // (USART) Request to Send Disable
 // -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_USMODE       ((unsigned int) 0xF <<  0) // (USART) Usart mode
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL               ((unsigned int) 0x0) // (USART) Normal
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485                ((unsigned int) 0x1) // (USART) RS485
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH                ((unsigned int) 0x2) // (USART) Hardware Handshaking
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM                ((unsigned int) 0x3) // (USART) Modem
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0            ((unsigned int) 0x4) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1            ((unsigned int) 0x6) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA                 ((unsigned int) 0x8) // (USART) IrDA
-#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH                ((unsigned int) 0xC) // (USART) Software Handshaking
-#define AT91C_US_CLKS         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  4) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK                ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  4) // (USART) Clock
-#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1                ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (USART) fdiv1
-#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW                 ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  4) // (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
-#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT                  ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  4) // (USART) External (SCK)
-#define AT91C_US_CHRL         ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  6) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS               ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS               ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS               ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
-#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS               ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
-#define AT91C_US_SYNC         ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
-#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP       ((unsigned int) 0x3 << 12) // (USART) Number of Stop bits
-#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT                ((unsigned int) 0x0 << 12) // (USART) 1 stop bit
-#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT               ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
-#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT                ((unsigned int) 0x2 << 12) // (USART) 2 stop bits
-#define AT91C_US_MSBF         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Bit Order
-#define AT91C_US_MODE9        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) 9-bit Character length
-#define AT91C_US_CKLO         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Clock Output Select
-#define AT91C_US_OVER         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Over Sampling Mode
-#define AT91C_US_INACK        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_DSNACK       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 21) // (USART) Disable Successive NACK
-#define AT91C_US_MAX_ITER     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 24) // (USART) Number of Repetitions
-#define AT91C_US_FILTER       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 28) // (USART) Receive Line Filter
+#define AT91C_US_USMODE       (0xFu <<  0) // (USART) Usart mode
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL               0x0u // (USART) Normal
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485                0x1u // (USART) RS485
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH                0x2u // (USART) Hardware Handshaking
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM                0x3u // (USART) Modem
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0            0x4u // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1            0x6u // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA                 0x8u // (USART) IrDA
+#define 	AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH                0xCu // (USART) Software Handshaking
+#define AT91C_US_CLKS         (0x3u <<  4) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
+#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK                (0x0u <<  4) // (USART) Clock
+#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1                (0x1u <<  4) // (USART) fdiv1
+#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW                 (0x2u <<  4) // (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
+#define 	AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT                  (0x3u <<  4) // (USART) External (SCK)
+#define AT91C_US_CHRL         (0x3u <<  6) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS               (0x0u <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS               (0x1u <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS               (0x2u <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
+#define 	AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS               (0x3u <<  6) // (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
+#define AT91C_US_SYNC         (0x1u <<  8) // (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
+#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP       (0x3u << 12) // (USART) Number of Stop bits
+#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT                (0x0u << 12) // (USART) 1 stop bit
+#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT               (0x1u << 12) // (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
+#define 	AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT                (0x2u << 12) // (USART) 2 stop bits
+#define AT91C_US_MSBF         (0x1u << 16) // (USART) Bit Order
+#define AT91C_US_MODE9        (0x1u << 17) // (USART) 9-bit Character length
+#define AT91C_US_CKLO         (0x1u << 18) // (USART) Clock Output Select
+#define AT91C_US_OVER         (0x1u << 19) // (USART) Over Sampling Mode
+#define AT91C_US_INACK        (0x1u << 20) // (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
+#define AT91C_US_DSNACK       (0x1u << 21) // (USART) Disable Successive NACK
+#define AT91C_US_MAX_ITER     (0x1u << 24) // (USART) Number of Repetitions
+#define AT91C_US_FILTER       (0x1u << 28) // (USART) Receive Line Filter
 // -------- US_IER : (USART Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_RXBRK        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (USART) Break Received/End of Break
-#define AT91C_US_TIMEOUT      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (USART) Receiver Time-out
-#define AT91C_US_ITERATION    ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 10) // (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
-#define AT91C_US_NACK         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 13) // (USART) Non Acknowledge
-#define AT91C_US_RIIC         ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 16) // (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DSRIC        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
-#define AT91C_US_DCDIC        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (USART) Data Carrier Flag
-#define AT91C_US_CTSIC        ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 19) // (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
+#define AT91C_US_RXBRK        (0x1u <<  2) // (USART) Break Received/End of Break
+#define AT91C_US_TIMEOUT      (0x1u <<  8) // (USART) Receiver Time-out
+#define AT91C_US_ITERATION    (0x1u << 10) // (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
+#define AT91C_US_NACK         (0x1u << 13) // (USART) Non Acknowledge
+#define AT91C_US_RIIC         (0x1u << 16) // (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
+#define AT91C_US_DSRIC        (0x1u << 17) // (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
+#define AT91C_US_DCDIC        (0x1u << 18) // (USART) Data Carrier Flag
+#define AT91C_US_CTSIC        (0x1u << 19) // (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
 // -------- US_IDR : (USART Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- US_IMR : (USART Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
 // -------- US_CSR : (USART Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_US_RI           ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 20) // (USART) Image of RI Input
-#define AT91C_US_DSR          ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 21) // (USART) Image of DSR Input
-#define AT91C_US_DCD          ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 22) // (USART) Image of DCD Input
-#define AT91C_US_CTS          ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 23) // (USART) Image of CTS Input
+#define AT91C_US_RI           (0x1u << 20) // (USART) Image of RI Input
+#define AT91C_US_DSR          (0x1u << 21) // (USART) Image of DSR Input
+#define AT91C_US_DCD          (0x1u << 22) // (USART) Image of DCD Input
+#define AT91C_US_CTS          (0x1u << 23) // (USART) Image of CTS Input
 // *****************************************************************************
 //              SOFTWARE API DEFINITION  FOR Two-wire Interface
@@ -1062,38 +1062,38 @@
 } AT91S_TWI, *AT91PS_TWI;
 // -------- TWI_CR : (TWI Offset: 0x0) TWI Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_TWI_START       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (TWI) Send a START Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_STOP        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_MSDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVEN        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Enabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVDIS       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Disabled
-#define AT91C_TWI_SWRST       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (TWI) Software Reset
+#define AT91C_TWI_START       (0x1u <<  0) // (TWI) Send a START Condition
+#define AT91C_TWI_STOP        (0x1u <<  1) // (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
+#define AT91C_TWI_MSEN        (0x1u <<  2) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
+#define AT91C_TWI_MSDIS       (0x1u <<  3) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
+#define AT91C_TWI_SVEN        (0x1u <<  4) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Enabled
+#define AT91C_TWI_SVDIS       (0x1u <<  5) // (TWI) TWI Slave Transfer Disabled
+#define AT91C_TWI_SWRST       (0x1u <<  7) // (TWI) Software Reset
 // -------- TWI_MMR : (TWI Offset: 0x4) TWI Master Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ      ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
-#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO                   ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  8) // (TWI) No internal device address
-#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE               ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (TWI) One-byte internal device address
-#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE               ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  8) // (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
-#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE               ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  8) // (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
-#define AT91C_TWI_MREAD       ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 12) // (TWI) Master Read Direction
-#define AT91C_TWI_DADR        ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Device Address
+#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ      (0x3u <<  8) // (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
+#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO                   (0x0u <<  8) // (TWI) No internal device address
+#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE               (0x1u <<  8) // (TWI) One-byte internal device address
+#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE               (0x2u <<  8) // (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
+#define 	AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE               (0x3u <<  8) // (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
+#define AT91C_TWI_MREAD       (0x1u << 12) // (TWI) Master Read Direction
+#define AT91C_TWI_DADR        (0x7Fu << 16) // (TWI) Device Address
 // -------- TWI_SMR : (TWI Offset: 0x8) TWI Slave Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_TWI_SADR        ((unsigned int) 0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Slave Device Address
+#define AT91C_TWI_SADR        (0x7Fu << 16) // (TWI) Slave Device Address
 // -------- TWI_CWGR : (TWI Offset: 0x10) TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_TWI_CLDIV       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  0) // (TWI) Clock Low Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CHDIV       ((unsigned int) 0xFF <<  8) // (TWI) Clock High Divider
-#define AT91C_TWI_CKDIV       ((unsigned int) 0x7 << 16) // (TWI) Clock Divider
+#define AT91C_TWI_CLDIV       (0xFFu <<  0) // (TWI) Clock Low Divider
+#define AT91C_TWI_CHDIV       (0xFFu <<  8) // (TWI) Clock High Divider
+#define AT91C_TWI_CKDIV       (0x7u << 16) // (TWI) Clock Divider
 // -------- TWI_SR : (TWI Offset: 0x20) TWI Status Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (TWI) Transmission Completed
-#define AT91C_TWI_RXRDY       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_TXRDY       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVREAD      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (TWI) Slave Read
-#define AT91C_TWI_SVACC       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (TWI) Slave Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_GCACC       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  5) // (TWI) General Call Access
-#define AT91C_TWI_OVRE        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (TWI) Overrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_UNRE        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (TWI) Underrun Error
-#define AT91C_TWI_NACK        ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (TWI) Not Acknowledged
-#define AT91C_TWI_ARBLST      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  9) // (TWI) Arbitration Lost
+#define AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP      (0x1u <<  0) // (TWI) Transmission Completed
+#define AT91C_TWI_RXRDY       (0x1u <<  1) // (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
+#define AT91C_TWI_TXRDY       (0x1u <<  2) // (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
+#define AT91C_TWI_SVREAD      (0x1u <<  3) // (TWI) Slave Read
+#define AT91C_TWI_SVACC       (0x1u <<  4) // (TWI) Slave Access
+#define AT91C_TWI_GCACC       (0x1u <<  5) // (TWI) General Call Access
+#define AT91C_TWI_OVRE        (0x1u <<  6) // (TWI) Overrun Error
+#define AT91C_TWI_UNRE        (0x1u <<  7) // (TWI) Underrun Error
+#define AT91C_TWI_NACK        (0x1u <<  8) // (TWI) Not Acknowledged
+#define AT91C_TWI_ARBLST      (0x1u <<  9) // (TWI) Arbitration Lost
 // -------- TWI_IER : (TWI Offset: 0x24) TWI Interrupt Enable Register -------- 
 // -------- TWI_IDR : (TWI Offset: 0x28) TWI Interrupt Disable Register -------- 
 // -------- TWI_IMR : (TWI Offset: 0x2c) TWI Interrupt Mask Register -------- 
@@ -1131,73 +1131,73 @@
 } AT91S_MCI, *AT91PS_MCI;
 // -------- MCI_CR : (MCI Offset: 0x0) MCI Control Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_MCIDIS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  1) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Disable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSEN       ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  2) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Enable
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  3) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Disable
+#define AT91C_MCI_MCIEN       (0x1u <<  0) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Enable
+#define AT91C_MCI_MCIDIS      (0x1u <<  1) // (MCI) Multimedia Interface Disable
+#define AT91C_MCI_PWSEN       (0x1u <<  2) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Enable
+#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIS      (0x1u <<  3) // (MCI) Power Save Mode Disable
 // -------- MCI_MR : (MCI Offset: 0x4) MCI Mode Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MCI_CLKDIV      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MCI) Clock Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  8) // (MCI) Power Saving Divider
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCPADV     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 14) // (MCI) PDC Padding Value
-#define AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE     ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 15) // (MCI) PDC Oriented Mode
-#define AT91C_MCI_BLKLEN      ((unsigned int) 0x1 << 18) // (MCI) Data Block Length
+#define AT91C_MCI_CLKDIV      (0x1u <<  0) // (MCI) Clock Divider
+#define AT91C_MCI_PWSDIV      (0x1u <<  8) // (MCI) Power Saving Divider
+#define AT91C_MCI_PDCPADV     (0x1u << 14) // (MCI) PDC Padding Value
+#define AT91C_MCI_PDCMODE     (0x1u << 15) // (MCI) PDC Oriented Mode
+#define AT91C_MCI_BLKLEN      (0x1u << 18) // (MCI) Data Block Length
 // -------- MCI_DTOR : (MCI Offset: 0x8) MCI Data Timeout Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOCYC      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MCI) Data Timeout Cycle Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL      ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  4) // (MCI) Data Timeout Multiplier
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1                    ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_16                   ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 16
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_128                  ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 128
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_256                  ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 256
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1024                 ((unsigned int) 0x4 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1024
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_4096                 ((unsigned int) 0x5 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 4096
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_65536                ((unsigned int) 0x6 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 65536
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1048576              ((unsigned int) 0x7 <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1048576
+#define AT91C_MCI_DTOCYC      (0x1u <<  0) // (MCI) Data Timeout Cycle Number
+#define AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL      (0x7u <<  4) // (MCI) Data Timeout Multiplier
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1                    (0x0u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_16                   (0x1u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 16
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_128                  (0x2u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 128
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_256                  (0x3u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 256
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1024                 (0x4u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1024
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_4096                 (0x5u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 4096
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_65536                (0x6u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 65536
+#define 	AT91C_MCI_DTOMUL_1048576              (0x7u <<  4) // (MCI) DTOCYC x 1048576
 // -------- MCI_SDCR : (MCI Offset: 0xc) MCI SD Card Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  0) // (MCI) SD Card Selector
-#define AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS      ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  7) // (MCI) SD Card Bus Width
+#define AT91C_MCI_SCDSEL      (0x1u <<  0) // (MCI) SD Card Selector
+#define AT91C_MCI_SCDBUS      (0x1u <<  7) // (MCI) SD Card Bus Width
 // -------- MCI_CMDR : (MCI Offset: 0x14) MCI Command Register -------- 
-#define AT91C_MCI_CMDNB       ((unsigned int) 0x1F <<  0) // (MCI) Command Number
-#define AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP      ((unsigned int) 0x3 <<  6) // (MCI) Response Type
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_NO                   ((unsigned int) 0x0 <<  6) // (MCI) No response
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_48                   ((unsigned int) 0x1 <<  6) // (MCI) 48-bit response
-#define 	AT91C_MCI_RSPTYP_136                  ((unsigned int) 0x2 <<  6) // (MCI) 136-bit response

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