PERFORCE change 52101 for review

Julian Elischer julian at
Sun May 2 14:56:48 PDT 2004

Change 52101 by julian at julian_desk on 2004/05/02 14:56:01

	split kern_thread.c into 2 files
	kern_thread.c contains only code that is not specific to any
	particular threading implemntation.. 
	kern_kse.c contains code specific to the KSE threading 
	The split is not quite perfect  and it almost certainly doesn't 
	compile yet.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/nsched/sys/conf/files#6 edit
.. //depot/projects/nsched/sys/kern/kern_kse.c#1 add
.. //depot/projects/nsched/sys/kern/kern_thread.c#8 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/nsched/sys/conf/files#6 (text+ko) ====

@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@
 kern/kern_idle.c	standard
 kern/kern_intr.c	standard
 kern/kern_jail.c	standard
-kern/kern_thr.c		standard
+kern/kern_kse.c		standard
 kern/kern_kthread.c	standard
 kern/kern_ktr.c		optional ktr
 kern/kern_ktrace.c	standard
@@ -1071,6 +1071,7 @@
 kern/kern_syscalls.c	standard
 kern/kern_sysctl.c	standard
 kern/kern_tc.c		standard
+kern/kern_thr.c		standard
 kern/kern_thread.c	standard
 kern/kern_time.c	standard
 kern/kern_timeout.c	standard

==== //depot/projects/nsched/sys/kern/kern_thread.c#8 (text+ko) ====

@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@
 TAILQ_HEAD(, thread) zombie_threads = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(zombie_threads);
 TAILQ_HEAD(, ksegrp) zombie_ksegrps = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(zombie_ksegrps);
-TAILQ_HEAD(, kse_upcall) zombie_upcalls =
-	TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(zombie_upcalls);
 struct mtx kse_zombie_lock;
 MTX_SYSINIT(kse_zombie_lock, &kse_zombie_lock, "kse zombie lock", MTX_SPIN);
@@ -332,56 +330,6 @@
-struct kse_upcall *
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	ku = uma_zalloc(upcall_zone, M_WAITOK);
-	bzero(ku, sizeof(*ku));
-	return (ku);
-upcall_free(struct kse_upcall *ku)
-	uma_zfree(upcall_zone, ku);
-upcall_link(struct kse_upcall *ku, struct ksegrp *kg)
-	mtx_assert(&sched_lock, MA_OWNED);
-	TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kg->kg_upcalls, ku, ku_link);
-	ku->ku_ksegrp = kg;
-	kg->kg_numupcalls++;
-upcall_unlink(struct kse_upcall *ku)
-	struct ksegrp *kg = ku->ku_ksegrp;
-	mtx_assert(&sched_lock, MA_OWNED);
-	KASSERT(ku->ku_owner == NULL, ("%s: have owner", __func__));
-	TAILQ_REMOVE(&kg->kg_upcalls, ku, ku_link);
-	kg->kg_numupcalls--;
-	upcall_stash(ku);
-upcall_remove(struct thread *td)
-	if (td->td_upcall) {
-		td->td_upcall->ku_owner = NULL;
-		upcall_unlink(td->td_upcall);
-		td->td_upcall = 0;
-	}
  * For a newly created process,
  * link up all the structures and its initial threads etc.
@@ -411,441 +359,6 @@
-kse_switchin(struct thread *td, struct kse_switchin_args *uap)
-	mcontext_t mc;
-	int error;
-	error = (uap->mcp == NULL) ? EINVAL : 0;
-	if (!error)
-		error = copyin(uap->mcp, &mc, sizeof(mc));
-	if (!error && uap->loc != NULL)
-		error = (suword(uap->loc, uap->val) != 0) ? EINVAL : 0;
-	if (!error)
-		error = set_mcontext(td, &mc);
-	return ((error == 0) ? EJUSTRETURN : error);
-struct kse_thr_interrupt_args {
-	struct kse_thr_mailbox * tmbx;
-	int cmd;
-	long data;
-kse_thr_interrupt(struct thread *td, struct kse_thr_interrupt_args *uap)
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct thread *td2;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	if (!(p->p_flag & P_SA))
-		return (EINVAL);
-	switch (uap->cmd) {
-		if (uap->data < 0 || uap->data > _SIG_MAXSIG)
-			return (EINVAL);
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			if (td2->td_mailbox == uap->tmbx)
-				break;
-		}
-		if (td2 == NULL) {
-			mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			return (ESRCH);
-		}
-		if (uap->cmd == KSE_INTR_SENDSIG) {
-			if (uap->data > 0) {
-				td2->td_flags &= ~TDF_INTERRUPT;
-				mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-				tdsignal(td2, (int)uap->data, SIGTARGET_TD);
-			} else {
-				mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			}
-		} else {
-			td2->td_flags |= TDF_INTERRUPT | TDF_ASTPENDING;
-			if (TD_CAN_UNBIND(td2))
-				td2->td_upcall->ku_flags |= KUF_DOUPCALL;
-			if (uap->cmd == KSE_INTR_INTERRUPT)
-				td2->td_intrval = EINTR;
-			else
-				td2->td_intrval = ERESTART;
-			if (TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td2) && (td2->td_flags & TDF_SINTR))
-				sleepq_abort(td2);
-			mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		}
-		break;
-		if (uap->data < 1 || uap->data > _SIG_MAXSIG)
-			return (EINVAL);
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		sigexit(td, (int)uap->data);
-		break;
-	default:
-		return (EINVAL);
-	}
-	return (0);
-struct kse_exit_args {
-	register_t dummy;
-kse_exit(struct thread *td, struct kse_exit_args *uap)
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku, *ku2;
-	int    error, count;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	if ((ku = td->td_upcall) == NULL || TD_CAN_UNBIND(td))
-		return (EINVAL);
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	count = 0;
-	mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		if (ku2->ku_flags & KUF_EXITING)
-			count++;
-	}
-	if ((kg->kg_numupcalls - count) == 1 &&
-	    (kg->kg_numthreads > 1)) {
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		return (EDEADLK);
-	}
-	ku->ku_flags |= KUF_EXITING;
-	mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	error = suword(&ku->ku_mailbox->km_flags, ku->ku_mflags|KMF_DONE);
-	if (error)
-		psignal(p, SIGSEGV);
-	mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	upcall_remove(td);
-	if (p->p_numthreads == 1) {
-		kse_purge(p, td);
-		p->p_flag &= ~P_SA;
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	} else {
-		if (kg->kg_numthreads == 1) { /* Shutdown a group */
-			kse_purge_group(td);
-			sched_exit_ksegrp(p->p_pptr, td);
-		}
-		thread_stopped(p);
-		thread_exit();
-	}
-	return (0);
- * Either becomes an upcall or waits for an awakening event and
- * then becomes an upcall. Only error cases return.
- */
-struct kse_release_args {
-	struct timespec *timeout;
-kse_release(struct thread *td, struct kse_release_args *uap)
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	struct timespec timeout;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	sigset_t sigset;
-	int error;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	if ((ku = td->td_upcall) == NULL || TD_CAN_UNBIND(td))
-		return (EINVAL);
-	if (uap->timeout != NULL) {
-		if ((error = copyin(uap->timeout, &timeout, sizeof(timeout))))
-			return (error);
-		TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv, &timeout);
-	}
-	if (td->td_flags & TDF_SA)
-		td->td_pflags |= TDP_UPCALLING;
-	else {
-		ku->ku_mflags = fuword(&ku->ku_mailbox->km_flags);
-		if (ku->ku_mflags == -1) {
-			PROC_LOCK(p);
-			sigexit(td, SIGSEGV);
-		}
-	}
-	if (ku->ku_mflags & KMF_WAITSIGEVENT) {
-		/* UTS wants to wait for signal event */
-		if (!(p->p_flag & P_SIGEVENT) && !(ku->ku_flags & KUF_DOUPCALL))
-			error = msleep(&p->p_siglist, &p->p_mtx, PPAUSE|PCATCH,
-			    "ksesigwait", (uap->timeout ? tvtohz(&tv) : 0));
-		p->p_flag &= ~P_SIGEVENT;
-		sigset = p->p_siglist;
-		error = copyout(&sigset, &ku->ku_mailbox->km_sigscaught,
-		    sizeof(sigset));
-	} else {
-		 if (! kg->kg_completed && !(ku->ku_flags & KUF_DOUPCALL)) {
-			kg->kg_upsleeps++;
-			error = msleep(&kg->kg_completed, &p->p_mtx,
-				PPAUSE|PCATCH, "kserel",
-				(uap->timeout ? tvtohz(&tv) : 0));
-			kg->kg_upsleeps--;
-		}
-	}
-	if (ku->ku_flags & KUF_DOUPCALL) {
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		ku->ku_flags &= ~KUF_DOUPCALL;
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	}
-	return (0);
-/* struct kse_wakeup_args {
-	struct kse_mailbox *mbx;
-}; */
-kse_wakeup(struct thread *td, struct kse_wakeup_args *uap)
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	struct thread *td2;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	td2 = NULL;
-	ku = NULL;
-	/* kSE-enabled processes only, please. */
-	if (!(p->p_flag & P_SA))
-		return (EINVAL);
-	mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	if (uap->mbx) {
-				if (ku->ku_mailbox == uap->mbx)
-					break;
-			}
-			if (ku)
-				break;
-		}
-	} else {
-		kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-		if (kg->kg_upsleeps) {
-			wakeup_one(&kg->kg_completed);
-			mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			return (0);
-		}
-		ku = TAILQ_FIRST(&kg->kg_upcalls);
-	}
-	if (ku) {
-		if ((td2 = ku->ku_owner) == NULL) {
-			panic("%s: no owner", __func__);
-		} else if (TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td2) && (td2->td_flags & TDF_SINTR) &&
-		           ((td2->td_wchan == &kg->kg_completed) ||
-			    (td2->td_wchan == &p->p_siglist &&
-			     (ku->ku_mflags & KMF_WAITSIGEVENT)))) {
-			sleepq_abort(td2);
-		} else {
-			ku->ku_flags |= KUF_DOUPCALL;
-		}
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		return (0);
-	}
-	mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	return (ESRCH);
- * No new KSEG: first call: use current KSE, don't schedule an upcall
- * All other situations, do allocate max new KSEs and schedule an upcall.
- */
-/* struct kse_create_args {
-	struct kse_mailbox *mbx;
-	int newgroup;
-}; */
-kse_create(struct thread *td, struct kse_create_args *uap)
-	struct ksegrp *newkg;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct kse_mailbox mbx;
-	struct kse_upcall *newku;
-	int err, ncpus, sa = 0, first = 0;
-	struct thread *newtd;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	if ((err = copyin(uap->mbx, &mbx, sizeof(mbx))))
-		return (err);
-	ncpus = mp_ncpus;
-	if (virtual_cpu != 0)
-		ncpus = virtual_cpu;
-	if (!(mbx.km_flags & KMF_BOUND))
-		sa = TDF_SA;
-	else
-		ncpus = 1;
-	if (!(p->p_flag & P_SA)) {
-		first = 1;
-		p->p_flag |= P_SA;
-	}
-	if (!sa && !uap->newgroup && !first)
-		return (EINVAL);
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	if (uap->newgroup) {
-		/* Have race condition but it is cheap */
-		if (p->p_numksegrps >= max_groups_per_proc)
-			return (EPROCLIM);
-		/*
-		 * If we want a new KSEGRP it doesn't matter whether
-		 * we have already fired up KSE mode before or not.
-		 * We put the process in KSE mode and create a new KSEGRP.
-		 */
-		newkg = ksegrp_alloc();
-		bzero(&newkg->kg_startzero, RANGEOF(struct ksegrp,
-		      kg_startzero, kg_endzero));
-		bcopy(&kg->kg_startcopy, &newkg->kg_startcopy,
-		      RANGEOF(struct ksegrp, kg_startcopy, kg_endcopy));
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		if (p->p_numksegrps >= max_groups_per_proc) {
-			mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			ksegrp_free(newkg);
-			return (EPROCLIM);
-		}
-		ksegrp_link(newkg, p);
-		sched_fork_ksegrp(td, newkg);
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	} else {
-		if (!first && ((td->td_flags & TDF_SA) ^ sa) != 0)
-			return (EINVAL);
-		newkg = kg;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Creating upcalls more than number of physical cpu does
-	 * not help performance.
-	 */
-	if (newkg->kg_numupcalls >= ncpus)
-		return (EPROCLIM);
-	if (newkg->kg_numupcalls == 0) {
-		/*
-		 * Initialize KSE group
-		 *
-		 * For multiplxed group, set concurrancy equal to physical
-		 * cpus. This increases concurrent even if userland
-		 * is not MP safe and can only run on single CPU.
-		 * In ideal world, every physical cpu should execute a thread.
-		 * If there is enough KSEs, threads in kernel can be
-		 * executed parallel on different cpus with full speed,
-		 * Concurrent in kernel shouldn't be restricted by number of
-		 * upcalls userland provides. Adding more upcall structures
-		 * only increases concurrent in userland.
-		 *
-		 * For bound thread group, because there is only thread in the
-		 * group, we only create one KSE for the group. Thread in this
-		 * kind of group will never schedule an upcall when blocked,
-		 * this intends to simulate pthread system scope thread.
-		 */
-		sched_set_concurrancy(newkg, ncpus);
-	}
-	newku = upcall_alloc();
-	newku->ku_mailbox = uap->mbx;
-	newku->ku_func = mbx.km_func;
-	bcopy(&mbx.km_stack, &newku->ku_stack, sizeof(stack_t));
-	/* For the first call this may not have been set */
-	if (td->td_standin == NULL)
-		thread_alloc_spare(td, NULL);
-	if (newkg->kg_numupcalls >= ncpus) {
-		upcall_free(newku);
-		return (EPROCLIM);
-	}
-	if (first && sa) {
-		SIGSETOR(p->p_siglist, td->td_siglist);
-		SIGEMPTYSET(td->td_siglist);
-		SIGFILLSET(td->td_sigmask);
-		SIG_CANTMASK(td->td_sigmask);
-	}
-	mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	upcall_link(newku, newkg);
-	if (mbx.km_quantum)
-		newkg->kg_upquantum = max(1, mbx.km_quantum/tick);
-	/*
-	 * Each upcall structure has an owner thread, find which
-	 * one owns it.
-	 */
-	if (uap->newgroup) {
-		/*
-		 * Because new ksegrp hasn't thread,
-		 * create an initial upcall thread to own it.
-		 */
-		newtd = thread_schedule_upcall(td, newku);
-	} else {
-		/*
-		 * If current thread hasn't an upcall structure,
-		 * just assign the upcall to it.
-		 */
-		if (td->td_upcall == NULL) {
-			newku->ku_owner = td;
-			td->td_upcall = newku;
-			newtd = td;
-		} else {
-			/*
-			 * Create a new upcall thread to own it.
-			 */
-			newtd = thread_schedule_upcall(td, newku);
-		}
-	}
-	if (!sa) {
-		newtd->td_mailbox = mbx.km_curthread;
-		newtd->td_flags &= ~TDF_SA;
-		if (newtd != td) {
-			mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-			cpu_set_upcall_kse(newtd, newku);
-			mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		}
-	} else {
-		newtd->td_flags |= TDF_SA;
-	}
-	if (newtd != td)
-		setrunqueue(newtd);
-	mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	return (0);
  * Initialize global thread allocation resources.
@@ -861,8 +374,6 @@
 	ksegrp_zone = uma_zcreate("KSEGRP", sched_sizeof_ksegrp(),
 	    ksegrp_ctor, ksegrp_dtor, ksegrp_init, NULL,
 	    UMA_ALIGN_CACHE, 0);
-	upcall_zone = uma_zcreate("UPCALL", sizeof(struct kse_upcall),
@@ -876,19 +387,6 @@
- * Stash an embarasingly extra upcall into the zombie upcall queue.
- */
-upcall_stash(struct kse_upcall *ku)
-	mtx_lock_spin(&kse_zombie_lock);
-	TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&zombie_upcalls, ku, ku_link);
-	mtx_unlock_spin(&kse_zombie_lock);
  * Stash an embarasingly extra ksegrp into the zombie ksegrp queue.
@@ -908,25 +406,20 @@
 	struct thread *td_first, *td_next;
 	struct ksegrp *kg_first, * kg_next;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku_first, *ku_next;
 	 * Don't even bother to lock if none at this instant,
 	 * we really don't care about the next instant..
 	if ((!TAILQ_EMPTY(&zombie_threads))
-	    || (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&zombie_ksegrps))
-	    || (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&zombie_upcalls))) {
+	    || (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&zombie_ksegrps))) {
 		td_first = TAILQ_FIRST(&zombie_threads);
 		kg_first = TAILQ_FIRST(&zombie_ksegrps);
-		ku_first = TAILQ_FIRST(&zombie_upcalls);
 		if (td_first)
 		if (kg_first)
-		if (ku_first)
-			TAILQ_INIT(&zombie_upcalls);
 		while (td_first) {
 			td_next = TAILQ_NEXT(td_first, td_runq);
@@ -940,13 +433,9 @@
 			kg_first = kg_next;
-		while (ku_first) {
-			ku_next = TAILQ_NEXT(ku_first, ku_link);
-			upcall_free(ku_first);
-			ku_first = ku_next;
-		}
+		sched_GC();
+		kse_GC();
-	sched_GC();
@@ -1036,202 +525,6 @@
- * Store the thread context in the UTS's mailbox.
- * then add the mailbox at the head of a list we are building in user space.
- * The list is anchored in the ksegrp structure.
- */
-thread_export_context(struct thread *td, int willexit)
-	struct proc *p;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	uintptr_t mbx;
-	void *addr;
-	int error = 0, temp, sig;
-	mcontext_t mc;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	/* Export the user/machine context. */
-	get_mcontext(td, &mc, 0);
-	addr = (void *)(&td->td_mailbox->tm_context.uc_mcontext);
-	error = copyout(&mc, addr, sizeof(mcontext_t));
-	if (error)
-		goto bad;
-	/* Exports clock ticks in kernel mode */
-	addr = (caddr_t)(&td->td_mailbox->tm_sticks);
-	temp = fuword32(addr) + td->td_usticks;
-	if (suword32(addr, temp)) {
-		error = EFAULT;
-		goto bad;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Post sync signal, or process SIGKILL and SIGSTOP.
-	 * For sync signal, it is only possible when the signal is not
-	 * caught by userland or process is being debugged.
-	 */
-	if (td->td_flags & TDF_NEEDSIGCHK) {
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		td->td_flags &= ~TDF_NEEDSIGCHK;
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		mtx_lock(&p->p_sigacts->ps_mtx);
-		while ((sig = cursig(td)) != 0)
-			postsig(sig);
-		mtx_unlock(&p->p_sigacts->ps_mtx);
-	}
-	if (willexit)
-		SIGFILLSET(td->td_sigmask);
-	/* Get address in latest mbox of list pointer */
-	addr = (void *)(&td->td_mailbox->tm_next);
-	/*
-	 * Put the saved address of the previous first
-	 * entry into this one
-	 */
-	for (;;) {
-		mbx = (uintptr_t)kg->kg_completed;
-		if (suword(addr, mbx)) {
-			error = EFAULT;
-			goto bad;
-		}
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		if (mbx == (uintptr_t)kg->kg_completed) {
-			kg->kg_completed = td->td_mailbox;
-			/*
-			 * The thread context may be taken away by
-			 * other upcall threads when we unlock
-			 * process lock. it's no longer valid to
-			 * use it again in any other places.
-			 */
-			td->td_mailbox = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	td->td_usticks = 0;
-	return (0);
-	sigexit(td, SIGILL);
-	return (error);
- * Take the list of completed mailboxes for this KSEGRP and put them on this
- * upcall's mailbox as it's the next one going up.
- */
-static int
-thread_link_mboxes(struct ksegrp *kg, struct kse_upcall *ku)
-	struct proc *p = kg->kg_proc;
-	void *addr;
-	uintptr_t mbx;
-	addr = (void *)(&ku->ku_mailbox->km_completed);
-	for (;;) {
-		mbx = (uintptr_t)kg->kg_completed;
-		if (suword(addr, mbx)) {
-			PROC_LOCK(p);
-			psignal(p, SIGSEGV);
-			return (EFAULT);
-		}
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		if (mbx == (uintptr_t)kg->kg_completed) {
-			kg->kg_completed = NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return (0);
- * This function should be called at statclock interrupt time
- */
-thread_statclock(int user)
-	struct thread *td = curthread;
-	struct ksegrp *kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	if (kg->kg_numupcalls == 0 || !(td->td_flags & TDF_SA))
-		return (0);
-	if (user) {
-		/* Current always do via ast() */
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		td->td_uuticks++;
-	} else {
-		if (td->td_mailbox != NULL)
-			td->td_usticks++;
-		else {
-			/* XXXKSE
-		 	 * We will call thread_user_enter() for every
-			 * kernel entry in future, so if the thread mailbox
-			 * is NULL, it must be a UTS kernel, don't account
-			 * clock ticks for it.
-			 */
-		}
-	}
-	return (0);
- * Export state clock ticks for userland
- */
-static int
-thread_update_usr_ticks(struct thread *td, int user)
-	struct proc *p = td->td_proc;
-	struct kse_thr_mailbox *tmbx;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	caddr_t addr;
-	u_int uticks;
-	if ((ku = td->td_upcall) == NULL)
-		return (-1);
-	tmbx = (void *)fuword((void *)&ku->ku_mailbox->km_curthread);
-	if ((tmbx == NULL) || (tmbx == (void *)-1))
-		return (-1);
-	if (user) {
-		uticks = td->td_uuticks;
-		td->td_uuticks = 0;
-		addr = (caddr_t)&tmbx->tm_uticks;
-	} else {
-		uticks = td->td_usticks;
-		td->td_usticks = 0;
-		addr = (caddr_t)&tmbx->tm_sticks;
-	}
-	if (uticks) {
-		if (suword32(addr, uticks+fuword32(addr))) {
-			PROC_LOCK(p);
-			psignal(p, SIGSEGV);
-			return (-2);
-		}
-	}
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	if (kg->kg_upquantum && ticks >= kg->kg_nextupcall) {
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		td->td_upcall->ku_flags |= KUF_DOUPCALL;
-		mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
-	}
-	return (0);
  * Discard the current thread and exit from its context.
  * Because we can't free a thread while we're operating under its context,
@@ -1428,404 +721,6 @@
- * This function is intended to be used to initialize a spare thread
- * for upcall. Initialize thread's large data area outside sched_lock
- * for thread_schedule_upcall().
- */
-thread_alloc_spare(struct thread *td, struct thread *spare)
-	if (td->td_standin)
-		return;
-	if (spare == NULL) {
-		spare = thread_alloc();
-		spare->td_tid = thread_new_tid();
-	} else {
-		sched_init_thread(spare);
-	}
-	td->td_standin = spare;
-	bzero(&spare->td_startzero,
-	    (unsigned)RANGEOF(struct thread, td_startzero, td_endzero));
-	spare->td_proc = td->td_proc;
-	spare->td_ucred = crhold(td->td_ucred);
- * Create a thread and schedule it for upcall on the KSE given.
- * Use our thread's standin so that we don't have to allocate one.
- */
-struct thread *
-thread_schedule_upcall(struct thread *td, struct kse_upcall *ku)
-	struct thread *td2;
-	mtx_assert(&sched_lock, MA_OWNED);
-	/*
-	 * Schedule an upcall thread on specified kse_upcall,
-	 * the kse_upcall must be free.
-	 * td must have a spare thread.
-	 */
-	KASSERT(ku->ku_owner == NULL, ("%s: upcall has owner", __func__));
-	if ((td2 = td->td_standin) != NULL) {
-		td->td_standin = NULL;
-	} else {
-		panic("no reserve thread when scheduling an upcall");
-		return (NULL);
-	}
-	CTR3(KTR_PROC, "thread_schedule_upcall: thread %p (pid %d, %s)",
-	     td2, td->td_proc->p_pid, td->td_proc->p_comm);
-	bcopy(&td->td_startcopy, &td2->td_startcopy,
-	    (unsigned) RANGEOF(struct thread, td_startcopy, td_endcopy));
-	thread_link(td2, ku->ku_ksegrp);
-	/* inherit parts of blocked thread's context as a good template */
-	cpu_set_upcall(td2, td);
-	/* Let the new thread become owner of the upcall */
-	ku->ku_owner   = td2;
-	td2->td_upcall = ku;
-	td2->td_flags  = TDF_SA;
-	td2->td_pflags = TDP_UPCALLING;
-	td2->td_state  = TDS_CAN_RUN;
-	td2->td_inhibitors = 0;
-	SIGFILLSET(td2->td_sigmask);
-	SIG_CANTMASK(td2->td_sigmask);
-	sched_fork_thread(td, td2);
-	return (td2);	/* bogus.. should be a void function */
- * It is only used when thread generated a trap and process is being
- * debugged.
- */
-thread_signal_add(struct thread *td, int sig)
-	struct proc *p;
-	siginfo_t siginfo;
-	struct sigacts *ps;
-	int error;
-	p = td->td_proc;
-	ps = p->p_sigacts;
-	mtx_assert(&ps->ps_mtx, MA_OWNED);
-	cpu_thread_siginfo(sig, 0, &siginfo);
-	mtx_unlock(&ps->ps_mtx);
-	error = copyout(&siginfo, &td->td_mailbox->tm_syncsig, sizeof(siginfo));
-	if (error) {
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		sigexit(td, SIGILL);
-	}
-	SIGADDSET(td->td_sigmask, sig);
-	mtx_lock(&ps->ps_mtx);
-thread_switchout(struct thread *td)
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	struct thread *td2;
-	mtx_assert(&sched_lock, MA_OWNED);
-	/*
-	 * If the outgoing thread is in threaded group and has never
-	 * scheduled an upcall, decide whether this is a short
-	 * or long term event and thus whether or not to schedule
-	 * an upcall.
-	 * If it is a short term event, just suspend it in
-	 * a way that takes its KSE with it.
-	 * Select the events for which we want to schedule upcalls.
-	 * For now it's just sleep.
-	 * XXXKSE eventually almost any inhibition could do.
-	 */
-	if (TD_CAN_UNBIND(td) && (td->td_standin) && TD_ON_SLEEPQ(td)) {
-		/*
-		 * Release ownership of upcall, and schedule an upcall
-		 * thread, this new upcall thread becomes the owner of
-		 * the upcall structure.
-		 */
-		ku = td->td_upcall;
-		ku->ku_owner = NULL;
-		td->td_upcall = NULL;
-		td->td_flags &= ~TDF_CAN_UNBIND;
-		td2 = thread_schedule_upcall(td, ku);
-		setrunqueue(td2);
-	}
- * Setup done on the thread when it enters the kernel.
- * XXXKSE Presently only for syscalls but eventually all kernel entries.
- */
-thread_user_enter(struct proc *p, struct thread *td)
-	struct ksegrp *kg;
-	struct kse_upcall *ku;
-	struct kse_thr_mailbox *tmbx;
-	uint32_t tflags;
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	/*
-	 * First check that we shouldn't just abort.
-	 * But check if we are the single thread first!
-	 */
-	if (p->p_flag & P_SINGLE_EXIT) {
-		PROC_LOCK(p);
-		mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
-		thread_stopped(p);
-		thread_exit();
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we are doing a syscall in a KSE environment,
-	 * note where our mailbox is. There is always the
-	 * possibility that we could do this lazily (in kse_reassign()),
-	 * but for now do it every time.
-	 */
-	kg = td->td_ksegrp;
-	if (td->td_flags & TDF_SA) {
-		ku = td->td_upcall;
-		KASSERT(ku, ("%s: no upcall owned", __func__));
-		KASSERT((ku->ku_owner == td), ("%s: wrong owner", __func__));
-		KASSERT(!TD_CAN_UNBIND(td), ("%s: can unbind", __func__));
-		ku->ku_mflags = fuword32((void *)&ku->ku_mailbox->km_flags);
-		tmbx = (void *)fuword((void *)&ku->ku_mailbox->km_curthread);

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