xfce4-utils compile error

Olivier Duchateau duchateau.olivier at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 20:02:06 UTC 2011

It seems textproc/p5-XML-Parser is missing

- taken from 'config.log'
configure:13879: checking for perl5
configure:13897: found /usr/bin/perl5
configure:13909: result: /usr/bin/perl5
configure:13923: checking for XML::Parser
configure:13929: result: not found
configure:13931: error: perl module XML::Parser not found; required for Xfconf m
igration. Pass --disable-xfconf-migration to ignore this.

- taken from 'xfce4-utils.txt'
checking for perl5.8... no^M
checking for perl5.6... no^M
checking for perl5... /usr/bin/perl5^M
checking for XML::Parser... not found^M
configure: error: perl module XML::Parser not found; required for Xfconf migrati
on. Pass --disable-xfconf-migration to ignore this.

2011/12/22 Germán Marcos <gemarcos at gmail.com>:
> Ok,
> these are the files:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54287047/config.log
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54287047/xfce4-utils.txt
> Thank you
> Germán Marcos.
> 2011/12/22 Olivier Duchateau <duchateau.olivier at gmail.com>:
>> Could you host somewhere your log, or send Problem Report, because
>> this mailling list don't accept attachment.
>> 2011/12/22 Germán Marcos <gemarcos at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear maintainer,
>>> First of all, many thanks for your work in FreeBSD and XFCE.
>>> I have found an error compiling the last xfce4-utils-4.8.3_2.
>>> I think that I am sending you all the information:
>>> xfce4-utils.txt is the script of the session with pkg_info, uname -a
>>> and portmaster
>>> config.log is the the file you asked for
>>> I hope that this will be useful.
>>> Best regards
>>> Germán Marcos.
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>> --
>> olivier


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