The vnclisten parameter is ignored with hvm domains under xen-4.12.1 and FreeBSD-12.0

Brian Buhrow buhrow at
Fri Aug 28 15:47:54 UTC 2020

	hello.  I'm trying to configure an hvm domain with a vnc listener  on
one of the dom0's network addresses, rather than  

If I use a line like: 
vfb = [ 'type=vnc,vnc=1,vnclisten=' ]

in the config file, I still get a vnc listener on, rather than

	A google search suggests this is somewhat of a known problem, but I
don't see a patch in the upstream version of xen-tools that addresses it.
Is there an easy fix for this issue, or perhaps I need to do what I want in
a different way?


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