PCI/VGA passthrough for FreeBSD dom0

Roger Pau Monné royger at FreeBSD.org
Mon Apr 25 11:16:20 UTC 2016

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 01:03:40PM +0200, Michael wrote:
> Hi roger,
> whats missing or what would be needed to support PCI/VGA passthrough
> for FreeBSD dom0?


I haven't looked much into this because I've been busy with other stuff, so 
my response is going to be a little vague. AFAICT, we need a pciback 
implementation in FreeBSD, that should attach to the devices that are going 
to be passed-through. Bhyve uses something called ppt, so it could be a 
starting point.

Then the way to perform the passthrough depends on whether the guest is PV 
or HVM, but I don't know the exact differences between them (I only know HVM 
guests use QEMU and PV guests use some functionality in pciback).

If someone is interested in taking up this project, I'm more than happy to 
help in any way I can.


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