Current shortcomings (XEN dom0 & FreeBSD)

Michael Reifenberger mike at
Tue Nov 10 09:35:07 UTC 2015

Zitat von Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau at>:

> Hello,
> El 06/11/15 a les 13.23, Michael Reifenberger ha escrit:
>> Hi,
>> before analyzing deeper I just wanted to ask if the following symptoms
>> are already known:
>> - Often / Mostly the FreeBSD dom0 hangs without further output during
>> poweroff (reboot works though)
> Yes, I'm aware of this issue, unfortunately the way to solve it it's not
> clear.
> In order to do a proper power off when running as Dom0 we would have to
> modify ACPICA code, which is a separate upstream project that's used by
> a bunch of different OSes. Linux does it this way, but then they have to
> keep all this local modifications on top of upstream ACPICA, which
> increases the maintainership burden.

How big are the diffs to the original version?
Have you asked upstream already if the Patches would be accepted?

>> - The same happens  mostly for the Centos7 guests I'm currently testing.
> Do you mean that CentOS 7 guests do not poweroff properly? Are those PV
> or HVM guests?

Yes, as it seems. They are HVM for first installation and PV afterwards.
BTW: How can one specify pv disks to a HVM guest (Some guests get more  
than 4 disks)?
Something like the following is not accepted:
disk=   [

> I usually use Debian guests when I have to test Linux and have never
> experienced this.

SUSE SLES11SP2 also seems not affected.

>> - Sometimes (usually after some uptime and/or many guest reboots) the
>> blockback
>>   (ZFS Zvols in my case) seems to get wedged (guest hang during startup)...
> Yes, I've also experienced this once or twice. The problem is that the
> blkback error path can get deadlocked depending on the situation. I have
> to look into cleaning it when I have some time.

Since bapt@ stepped down from maintaining the xen ports:
Has someone already tried to use xen 4.6 kernel and tools?



Michael Reifenberger

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