freebsd error

Mister Olli mister.olli at
Thu Jun 11 19:09:31 UTC 2009


I've tried to use the configuration file adrian provided myself, and
ended up with almost the same failure:
	'Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!'

As I didn't have the time to look further into this, I just reverted my
config to the old version.

Somehow after thinking about this issue I realized that the domU may
need kernel support for UFS to do this task which mine definetly does
not have.

I don't have the time ATM to look into this. But maybe you can check if
this is the same within your setup, and if adding kernel UFS support
helps fixing it.

Mr. Olli

On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 19:52 +0200, marco di sano wrote:
> hi,
> I have downloaded the freebsd images from
> , but I tried to boot the
> machine with this configuration file:
> bootloader = '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/pygrub'
> memory = 256
> name = 'freebsd_current'
> vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]
> disk =
> ['phy:/dev/VolGroup00/FreeBsdRoot,sda3,w','phy:/dev/VolGroup00/FreeBsdSwap,sda3,w']
> on_poweroff = 'destroy'
> on_reboot   = 'restart'
> on_crash    = 'restart'
> but I had this error(this is the output):
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/pygrub", line 481, in ?
>     g = Grub(file, isconfig)
>   File "/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/pygrub", line 147, in __init__
>     self.read_config(file, isconfig)
>   File "/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/pygrub", line 338, in read_config
>     raise RuntimeError, "Unable to read filesystem"
> RuntimeError: Unable to read filesystem
> No handlers could be found for logger "xend"
> Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
> Usage: xm create <ConfigFile> [options] [vars]
> Someone can tell me the correct way to use the frebsd image and boot it?
> Is there something to change in my configuration file?
> Thanks
> Marco
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