finishing up the xen port - would funding help?

Florian Heigl florian.heigl at
Fri Aug 21 20:26:00 UTC 2009

for over 3 years we're now looking at a mostly-working, breaking,
half-working port, breaking, half-working of FreeBSD to xen.
personally I think this is a very sad state, especially considering how well
FreeBSD (-current, with patches) worked in Xen 2.

I wonder if starting a fundraiser (like the ones initiated by
might help this problem.
I think we would have to scratch up enough for a month of kip's (or someone
else's) time to see everything addressed and the xen patches finally being
merged in a sane way like NetBSD did it.

Assuming that most people do not very much care about their dom0 OS, but
strongly care for running FreeBSD (instead of Linux, NetBSD, Solaris
flavours) for their virtualized servers, it would be the best way to go to
make almost everyone happy.

Please note that I don't represent a company but would still scratch up
money or donate some bunch of hardware to this end because I'm completely
sick of having to tell people (in, in some forums and, worst of
all, even on trade fairs when helping at the FreeBSD booth) that "it used to
be working but right now it's not stable for production use, but it might
actually build right now" and point them at one of the above OS according to
their needs, when actually they'd just love FreeBSD.

Honestly, I do not believe this state will *ever* get better without some
massive effort and I'm very much looking forward to some discussion about
this. It think the support should get -stable'd while the linux kids are
still trying to make ZFS work stable :)

I'll scratch up $150 (or the same in hardware), so if a few more people and
1-2 companies chime in it might be enough to make:
NO new features, just fix it and properly merge it into the amd64 and i386

a nice weekend to you all,

'Sie brauchen sich um Ihre Zukunft keine Gedanken zu machen'

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