Radeon Caicos issue

Mason Loring Bliss mason at blisses.org
Tue Oct 21 13:57:47 UTC 2014

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 07:23:58AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:

> "Rebuilding all" meaning all ports, or just the KMS-related ports as shown
> in https://wiki.freebsd.org/Graphics#Installing_KMS_Ports ?

Just the KMS-related ports. It's a fresh install, so there's precious little
else anyway. I can't really use it for work until I get a usable X on it.

> I'm using a Radeon 5750 very successfully in the computer I'm typing this
> on, which is also running 10-STABLE (10.1-PRERELEASE at the moment).


 Mason Loring Bliss         mason at blisses.org        http://blisses.org/  
"I am a brother of jackals, and a companion of ostriches."  (Job 30 : 29)

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