Feedback on FreeBSD 11 with VT/KMS enabled

Simone Caronni negativo17 at
Thu Feb 20 15:18:24 UTC 2014


just wanted to let you know that I just tested the VT images in FreeBSD's
ftp and default packages on a couple of Intel systems and everything
works great!

KMS, VT, xrandr, everything seems to work out of the box. I've also tested
on a KVM/Libvirt system on Linux with a QXL display card, no modesetting
here, but and the shell work fine, also with VT enabled.

The only strange thing I have is that X never starts in the VT resolution.

- The monitors on the Intel systems are 1600x900 (correct resolution in
VT), but X starts at 1024x768.
- The KVM VM does not have KMS but X starts at 1280x768 (!).

Apart from this glitch, everything else is fine.

As a side note, I was looking at a way to set my keymap and leave
hotplugging enabled without disabling Hald and fiddling too much with X
configuration. Web searches return a lot old and confusing answers; but by
looking at a Fedora system I discovered that is actually very easy.

Just create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with only this content:

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "system-keyboard"
        MatchIsKeyboard "on"
        Option "XkbLayout" "it"

This way, any keyboard attached to the system gets the correct layout.

Probably it's all obvious, but since I could not find this information
anywhere, maybe it should be added to the wiki.


You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).

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