Python dependency for libxcb

Benedict Reuschling bcr at
Mon Nov 12 20:47:53 UTC 2012

Hello Grzegorz and X11-Team!

I was trying to switch from mplayer to mplayer2 today. During the install,
it always failed with the error that libxcb needed python version at most
2.7. I had a higher version of python installed, so it would check for
that and fail.

I increased the python version in both Makefiles for multimedia/mplayer2
and x11/libxcb to 3.2 and was then able to compile mplayer2 without any
further problems. I've attached the diffs to them for your review.

I don't know whether this will break other ports, but maybe someone should
review the python requirements for libxcb. Anyway, I'm using mplayer2 now.

Regards and keep up the good work!

Benedict Reuschling
bcr at
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
FreeBSD German Documentation Project -
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